The musical comedy Mama Mia Trini Style, featuring the music of ABBA and produced by DC Shell Theatre, premiered at Queen's Hall, St Ann's last Wednesday. Popular Mixed Nuts personality George Gonzalez of CT Vibe 105.1FM is one of the dads in the new production. This new play is directed by the Crazy Catholic and features a 22-member cast, including Kurtis Gross, Nicole Wong Chong, Dese Simon, Cindy Rodriguez, Prince Priceless, Nicole Latoya Farrell, Sensational Shelly, Clyne Rodriguez, Rene and Andre Arneaud from dance group Eclectic, Rocky Scientist Kewley, Anthony Watson, Cheldon Knights, The Russian Ballet, the Crazy Contagious Crew, Samara Khadir and Gonzalez.
The play tells the story of a single mom who is preparing for her daughter's wedding on the island of Tobago. The arrival of eccentric guests, former boyfriends, stormers, the family priest and a radical rasta results in non-stop comedy all set to the music of ABBA. Patrons will be treated to live singing, exciting dances choreographed by Andre and Rene Arneaud, Trini picong and comedy in a roller-coaster storyline. Lighting design is by Celia Wells and costumes and set by Cindy Narine and Ryan Belcon. This is the second musical comedy to be staged by D C Shell Theatre, who previously staged Grease in 2008. The Theatre has also produced Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast, Snow White and the 7 Trinis, Robin Hood, Enter the Dragon, The Good, The Bad and the Ugly, Bollywood and, the biggest play for 2011 to date-Aladdin and the Trini Genie.
Mama Mia continues this evening at 7.30 pm; tomorrow at 4 pm; Easter Sunday at 3.30 pm and 8.30 pm; and, closes on Easter Monday at 5.30 pm.
Tickets for today, Saturday, Sunday and Monday cost $150 (Adults), $125 (Teens) and $100 (Kids). Reserved seats cost $25 more.
For information, please call 750-0104, 683-6496 or 796-4272.