The preliminary round of the 2011Baal Vikaas competition, hosted by the Sanatan Dharma Maha Sabha began yesterday at Freeport Hindu School.Secretary general of the Maha Sabha Satnarayan Maharaj, said this year's event marked another significant milestone of the competition which started in 1985.Maharaj said Maha Sabha schools were the nurseries for the propagation of Indian culture in T&T.
"Baal Vikaas festival is designed to empower the young Hindus with the dynamism of Sanatan Dharma," he said."It has been the avenue to plant in the hearts and minds of our children the seeds of our rich heritage brought to this country by our ancestors."Maharaj said more than 50,000 students would have participated in the event since its inception 25 years ago.He said all Maha Sabha schools were looking forward to the months of May and June, at which time there was a magnificent display of culture and talent from students.The finals of the competition takes place on June 11 and 12.The preliminary round continues tomorrow at Palmaya Hindu School.On Thursday, it takes places at St Helena Hindu School and on Friday at the Spring Village Hindu School.