National draughts champion Omatie Mahabir, will seek to defend her title as the first two rounds of the T&T National Singles Women's Draughts Championship jumps off on Sunday at the Larry Gomes Stadium, Arima. The Freeport resident who attends Waterloo High School, is in great form for her title defence having just played against the Suriname national team last month. Mahabir performed very well drawing against the top players. Her challenge will come from the Women Warriors Draughts Club from Arouca, who has some of the top players to pose the best challenge for the national title. Some of the top club players include Tobago-born Cisley Foster, Pamela Raphael and Ingrid Simmons. Other players include Dekisha Maughn, Abigail Agustine, Treasure Haynes, Aleyah Ali, Renee Carr who are all from Arouca.
From central the challenge will come from Emily Jagessar of Bank Village Carapichaima, Devi Garib, and Anita Ramsundar. All women's draughts players must have a healthy mind and ambitions to become national champion of T&T and represent our country in International Draughts Games. Despite beating Mahabir last year, Foster will likely be looking to challenge the reigning champ vehemently. Mahabir has long been known for possessing a natural aptitude and vision for the draughts game; moreover, she is a talented board player who has an ability to accurately visualise complex positions and situations. She is also noted to be an excellent endgame player whose skill has conjured up wins from seemingly even positions.