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Friday, March 28, 2025

Deyas are ready for tomorrow's Divali



As ear­ly as 8.30 am yes­ter­day peo­ple were spot­ted buy­ing deyas, oil and wicks for to­mor­row's cel­e­bra­tion of the Fes­ti­val of Lights-Di­vali. Dozens of deyas were stacked in piles while clumps of wicks hung from strings in pitched tents along the road­side in Ed­in­burgh, Ch­agua­nas. The area is con­sid­ered the home of deya-mak­ing and oth­er pot­tery. Kegs of oil, priced at $290; deyas go­ing for $7 a dozen in some lo­ca­tions and $8 a dozen at oth­ers; beau­ti­ful­ly dec­o­rat­ed khal­sas and large deyas with in­tri­cate de­signs were all on sale at the front of every oth­er house or busi­ness place.

Hin­dus and many non-Hin­dus will light thou­sands of deyas to­mor­row to sig­ni­fy light over dark­ness.

Di­vali marks Lord Ram's re­turn to the city of Ay­o­d­hya af­ter a 14-year ex­ile. Hin­dus al­so clean their homes to wel­come the god­dess Moth­er Laskh­mi. At Radi­ka's Pot­tery Shop in Ed­in­burgh, South­ern Main Road, pot­ters De­onar­ine "Catch" Ram­saran and Am­rit Singh al­ready were mud­died and had mould­ed hun­dreds of deyas wait­ing to be baked in the kiln. They stood be­fore the pot­ter's wheel us­ing their mag­ic hands to work the clay in­to shape. They made it look so easy.

A young boy named Bri­an was there to as­sist. Andy Ben­ny, who spoke in an in­ter­view yes­ter­day, said deya-mak­ing was from his moth­er Radi­ka's lin­eage. She died in 2007. Her fa­ther was Tik­lal Seecha­ran who had in­her­it­ed the busi­ness from his fa­ther, Seecha­ran. Seecha­ran and his broth­er, Goolcha­ran, in­tro­duced pot­tery in the 19th cen­tu­ry when they came to Trinidad as in­den­tured labour­ers. To­day pot­ters can be found in Chase Vil­lage, Ed­in­burgh and Carlsen Field. Ben­ny said prepa­ra­tions for Di­vali start­ed in June and yes­ter­day was the last day for mak­ing deyas. He said his fam­i­ly's busi­ness was per­haps the on­ly one in Trinidad where skilled men were mak­ing deyas and not us­ing a ma­chine. Ben­ny said ac­quir­ing clay or "sap­atay" from Carlsen Field was the first task and sourc­ing work­ers was next.

"Clay and work­ers are be­com­ing scarce," Ben­ny said. When the clay is brought in, Ben­ny said it goes through a pug­mill which kneads it and gives it tex­ture and form. The clay comes out the pug­mill look­ing like small logs. He said long ago peo­ple used "to dance the clay" which is sim­i­lar to "danc­ing the co­coa." Af­ter the pot­ters form the deyas they are left to dry and then placed in the kiln which Ben­ny said can hold up to 13,000. Af­ter bak­ing for six hours, the fi­nal prod­uct is an or­ange-red deya which is left to cool and then put for sale. Ben­ny said: "We sell them $8 a dozen be­cause of the size. "We don't make them too small and we don't com­pro­mise on the clay." The shop pro­duces up to 5,000 deyas a day.

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