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Sunday, March 23, 2025

Dennis tops Grande draughts



Na­tion­al draughts cham­pi­on Tim­o­thy Den­nis topped the "A" class di­vi­sion of the San­gre Grande Draughts Mas­ters Club's an­nu­al tour­na­ment held at the Va­len­cia RC Pri­ma­ry School on Oc­to­ber 16.The tour­na­ment which was joint­ly host­ed by the Va­len­cia Sports and Cul­tur­al Foun­da­tion, was held in mem­o­ry of late club pres­i­dent Kent Paul.

The tour­na­ment saw the finest chess play­ers ven­ture from var­i­ous parts of the coun­try to put their minds to the test in the keen­ly con­test­ed event.Af­ter hours of mind-wrack­ing com­pe­ti­tion, Den­nis, Aron Ma­habir (B di­vi­sion) and Rae Ann Dan­drade (Women) emerged win­ners of their re­spec­tive cat­e­gories.


"A" Class:

1st- Tim­o­thy Den­nis

2nd- An­tho­ny Aqui

3rd- Andy Charles

4th- Leslie Oli­v­ere

5th- Dick­son Maughn

"B" Class:

1st- Aron Ma­habir

2nd- Ricky Ra­goo

3rd- Stan­ley Dan­drade

4th- Ha­ley Joseph

5th- David De­noon


1st- Rae Ann Dan­drade

2nd- Cis­ley Fos­ter

3rd- Ani­ta Ram­sun­dar

4th- Omatie Ma­habir

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