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Wednesday, March 12, 2025

14 Trinidadian artists to exhibit in Washington D.C.


892 days ago
The 14 Trinidadian artists who will exhibit in Washington D.C.

The 14 Trinidadian artists who will exhibit in Washington D.C.

Trinidad-based cre­ative so­cial en­ter­prise East Yard con­tin­ues on its mis­sion to ex­pand ac­cess to art from Trinidad and To­ba­go, the Caribbean and di­as­po­ra in coun­tries where there is cur­rent­ly less ac­cess.

Through part­ner­ships with over­seas non-con­ven­tion­al ex­hi­bi­tion spaces and cre­ative or­ga­ni­za­tions, East Yard be­lieves its role is to en­er­gize the field of art from the Caribbean and its di­as­po­ra by ex­hibit­ing and ac­ti­vat­ing works of art in ex­cit­ing and in­no­v­a­tive ways.

“Our East Yard Ex­hibits Abroad ini­tia­tive aims to rev­o­lu­tion­ize the way Caribbean art is ex­hib­it­ed and shared with for­eign publics; make the con­sump­tion and ex­pe­ri­ence of Caribbean cul­ture more wide­spread and; part­ner with over­seas in­sti­tu­tions in­ter­est­ed in deep­en­ing their con­nec­tion with lo­cal BIPOC (Black, In­dige­nous, and peo­ple of col­or), im­mi­grant and Caribbean di­as­po­ra au­di­ences and their com­mu­ni­ties,” says Kevon Gareth Foder­ing­ham - East Yard En­ter­pris­es, Founder and Prin­ci­pal Con­sul­tant.

One such in­sti­tu­tion that has an­swered the call to part­ner is HOMME.

Found­ed by Amir Brow­der and lo­cat­ed in Wash­ing­ton D.C. - HOMME is a bou­tique for emerg­ing artists of all dis­ci­plines and pro­vides a plat­form for artists to ex­hib­it and sell their art in an in­mate gallery ex­pe­ri­ence.

From Oc­to­ber 7-20, 2022, HOMME will play host to “Same Dif­fer­ence,” - The Cross-Cul­tur­al Show­case of work from Trinidad and To­ba­go, St Lu­cia, the USA and more.

“I’m a plat­form for emerg­ing and in­de­pen­dent artists of all dis­ci­plines to ex­press them­selves with­out re­stric­tions,” says HOMME’s founder, Amir Brow­der.

The schedule for Same Difference.

The schedule for Same Difference.

Cu­rat­ed by Foder­ing­ham and Brow­der, “Same Dif­fer­ence” has a three-day open­ing week­end more akin to a fes­ti­val which will kick off on Fri­day, Oc­to­ber 7 with an open­ing night re­cep­tion and ‘Tri­ni’ jam ses­sion, show­cas­ing the art­work of Trinida­di­an artists An­gel­i­ca Al­leyne, Ar­lene Bartholomew-Singh, Kamille An­drews, Kevon Gareth Foder­ing­ham, Sade Fran­cois, Cleo Lewis, Daniel Lewis, Jun­nel Lewis, La­toya Lewis, Jamie J. Philbert, Stacey Leigh Ross, Kechervi Voisin, Wal­da Wait­he and Tav­er­nelle Wells.

Sat­ur­day, Oc­to­ber 8 will of­fer a free day­time per­son­al brand­ing work­shop for cre­atives, fa­cil­i­tat­ed by Foder­ing­ham. While Sat­ur­day evening will fea­ture a book read­ing from Foder­ing­ham and US au­thor A.S. Dray­ton, who is of part-Trinida­di­an her­itage, fol­lowed by the screen­ing of Sorf Hair, Ta­ban­ca and Grace and Saleem from Trinida­di­an film­mak­ers Shari Pet­ti, Lau­ren Mars­den and Jian Hem­mings re­spec­tive­ly.

The week­end clos­es out on Sun­day, Oc­to­ber 9 with a Caribbean fash­ion pop-up sale fea­tur­ing de­signs from Trinida­di­an de­sign­ers Bene Caribe, KF, Jade Drakes, Nine Cul­ture, Third World Fa­mous and Même Bete from St Lu­cia.

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