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Friday, February 28, 2025

A T&T adaptation of ‘Scrooge’


433 days ago

Cin­don Pro­duc­tions, DC Shell The­atre and the Crazy Catholic gave a unique Tri­ni spin to the Christ­mas clas­sic Scrooge in a pro­duc­tion staged in north and south Trinidad ear­li­er this month.

This adap­tion of the Charles Dick­ens nov­el had a pow­er­ful mes­sage show­ing that mon­ey can’t buy hap­pi­ness and peace, the val­ue of fam­i­ly and the im­por­tance of kind­ness and gen­eros­i­ty.

Rene Arneaud took on the lead role of Ebe­neez­er Scrooge in the pro­duc­tion di­rect­ed by Dar­rion “The­atrics” Nar­ine. The cast was se­lect­ed from grad­u­ates of the the­atre com­pa­ny’s Learn to Act class­es which were con­duct­ed across the coun­try.

The chore­og­ra­phy was by Shel­ci Marie, light­ing by Celia Wells, sound by Aaquil Fe­lix, cos­tumes and set de­sign by Cindy Ro­driguez, with make­up for Scrooge, Mar­ley and Past Ghost by Ash­ton Nor­ie­ga.

Scrooge was staged at NA­PA on De­cem­ber 3 and at SAPA on De­cem­ber 16 and 17.

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