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Sunday, March 23, 2025

Astor Johnson Dance Theatre turns 50

...marks an­niver­sary cel­e­bra­tions with con­certs from Fri­day 16


Charles Kong Soo
923 days ago
Members of The Astor Johnson Repertory Dance Theatre of T&T.

Members of The Astor Johnson Repertory Dance Theatre of T&T.


The As­tor John­son Reper­to­ry Dance The­atre (AJRDT) of T&T–found­ed by the late dancer, artis­tic di­rec­tor, chore­o­g­ra­ph­er, and Hum­ming­bird Gold Medal Awardee As­tor John­son–marks 50 years this year.

As part of its 50th An­niver­sary cel­e­bra­tions and in ho­n­our of John­son, the group is hav­ing a dance event ti­tled “For As­tor–50th An­niver­sary” at Queen’s Hall, St Ann’s, on Sep­tem­ber 16, 17 and 18.

Look­ing from a wider win­dow of dance through the eyes of John­son, the group will “Awake his Lega­cy.”.

The AJRDT founder is recog­nised as one of the fore­most Caribbean chore­o­g­ra­phers, and the work done by the dance the­atre has re­ceived na­tion­al and in­ter­na­tion­al ac­claim.

Over the last sev­en years, the AJRDT has been fo­cus­ing on high­light­ing the pro­found and time­less work of its founder to young peo­ple, the di­as­po­ra and the in­ter­na­tion­al com­mu­ni­ty, through week­ly class­es and re­hearsals of John­son’s pieces, per­for­mances, sym­posia, the host­ing of school work­shops and so­cial me­dia ex­changes.

The management team of The Astor Johnson Repertory Dance Theatre of T&T from left to right, Kyle Young, Terry Springer, Stephen Seepaul, Marlon Phillip. Seated from left to right, Susan Shurland, Joanna Charles, Allison Seepaul, and Roxanne Fung.

The management team of The Astor Johnson Repertory Dance Theatre of T&T from left to right, Kyle Young, Terry Springer, Stephen Seepaul, Marlon Phillip. Seated from left to right, Susan Shurland, Joanna Charles, Allison Seepaul, and Roxanne Fung.

This up­com­ing pro­duc­tion con­tin­ues the mis­sion to share John­son’s work with the world by show­cas­ing his chore­og­ra­phy through gen­er­a­tions of dancers com­mit­ted to the com­pa­ny and his lega­cy.

Au­di­ences will ex­pe­ri­ence ful­ly-staged re­mounts of works like “Stay Up, Zim­bab­we”, “Grave­yard For The Liv­ing”, “Fu­sion”, and sec­tions of As­tor’s Bob Mar­ley suite, as well as the pre­miere of brand-new works by com­pa­ny mem­bers.

AJRDT Di­rec­tor Al­li­son Seep­aul said “Al­though As­tor John­son passed away in 1985, his work con­tin­ues, it is time­less and has more rel­e­vance in to­day’s world.

“The ob­jec­tives of the com­pa­ny re­main the same; to con­tin­ue re­search in­to our folk­loric tra­di­tions, to ex­pose our work na­tion­al­ly and in­ter­na­tion­al­ly, and above all, to ce­ment our­selves as a peo­ple through the medi­um of dance, our most nat­ur­al form of self-ex­pres­sion.

“Mem­bers of the man­age­ment team are al­so dancers as well, they are known in the field of dance per­for­mance and al­so ed­u­ca­tion.

“Some of them are Rox­anne Fung, Joan­na Charles, Mar­lon Philip and Ter­ry Springer. “

She said the group al­so had young dancers from the UTT and lead drum­mer Steve James, plus bands of drum­mers will al­so be per­form­ing at the three-day event.

Seep­aul said that it was a team ef­fort by mem­bers of the group to put on the show, in­clud­ing the tech­ni­cal co­or­di­na­tor re­spon­si­ble for light­ing, sound, and man­age­ment of the stage, Stephen Seep­aul and oth­er man­age­ment team mem­bers such as Su­san Shur­land and Kyle Young.

Per­former, chore­o­g­ra­ph­er, teacher, film­mak­er and writer Son­ja Du­mas has been a per­form­ing mem­ber of AJRDT since 1986 wear­ing dif­fer­ent hats such as artis­tic di­rec­tor, pro­duc­er, and his­to­ri­an of the com­pa­ny re­spond­ed that there are over 20 peo­ple in the group, the work of the chore­o­g­ra­phers will fig­ure promi­nent­ly in the shows.

Drummers from The Astor Johnson Repertory Dance Theatre of T&T.

Drummers from The Astor Johnson Repertory Dance Theatre of T&T.

She shared that John­son’s chore­og­ra­phy will be high­light­ed in much of the work that will be seen from his well-known and beloved clas­sics, such as ex­cerpts from Trib­ute To A King, which was chore­o­graphed af­ter the death of Bob Mar­ley.

Du­mas con­tin­ued John­son’s oth­er works such as “Grave­yard For The Liv­ing”, which dealt with the per­ils of in­car­cer­a­tion still rel­e­vant to­day, and a his­tor­i­cal jour­ney in­to the lib­er­a­tion of Rhode­sia when it be­came Zim­bab­we is high­light­ed in “Stay Up Zim­bab­we.”

Re­gard­ing the all-time favourite “Fu­sion”, the com­pa­ny’s sig­na­ture piece, she de­scribed it as a mix­ture of jazz styles and tra­di­tion­al African-Caribbean move­ments and was orig­i­nal­ly arranged by the late An­dré Tanker.

The show

“For As­tor–50th An­niver­sary” per­for­mances at Queen’s Hall, St Ann’s:

*School Show–Fri­day, Sep­tem­ber 16 from 10 am $50

*Gala/Per­for­mance night–Sat­ur­day, Sep­tem­ber 17 from 6 pm $250

*Per­for­mance night–Sun­day, Sep­tem­ber 18 from 7 pm $150 For in­for­ma­tion and tick­ets, con­tact: in­

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