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Friday, March 14, 2025

Healthy Pawpaw Smoothie


Tricia Gregoire
1739 days ago

If your tum­my is sen­si­tive to reg­u­lar dairy milk, you need to try out En­joy Lac­tose-free Milk! Gone are the days when you ei­ther cut dairy out or use plant-based milk. For peo­ple who ex­pe­ri­ence lac­tose in­tol­er­ance, En­joy Lac­tose-free Milk is the dairy milk you can still en­joy with­out feel­ing bloat­ed, gassy, or nau­seous af­ter eat­ing dairy prod­ucts. Lac­tose-free milk has the same nu­tri­ent pro­file as reg­u­lar cow’s milk, so you still get the same vi­t­a­mins, min­er­als, cal­ci­um, and pro­tein, with­out the dis­com­fort.

Main­tain a bal­anced di­et and blend up this tasty paw­paw smooth­ie that com­plete­ly lac­tose-free! Paw­paw or pa­paya termed the “fruit of the an­gels” has fruity trop­i­cal vibes that you boost your morn­ing en­er­gy. Add some vanil­la and crushed ice for a heav­en­ly drink. This paw­paw milk smooth­ie will help keep you nice and cool on a hot day. It’s so good, you can even serve it as dessert.


1 small paw­paw (about 2 cups)

1 1/2 cup En­joy Low Fat Lac­tose-free Milk

1/4 cup gra­nola

1 ta­ble­spoon peanut but­ter

1 tea­spoon vanil­la essence

6 blocks of ice


1 Pre­pare your paw­paw:

- Wash and cut the paw­paw in half length­ways.

- Us­ing a tea­spoon, scoop out the black seeds and dis­card.

- Use a small sharp knife to cut the flesh away from the skin of each half.

- Dis­card the skin and slice the flesh in­to 1-inch chunks.

2 In a blender, add your chopped paw­paw, En­joy Low Fat Lac­tose-free Milk, gra­nola, peanut but­ter, vanil­la essence and ice and blend to­geth­er for 1-2 min­utes to a smooth con­sis­ten­cy.

3 Pour in­to a tall glass and en­joy!

Recipe by ex­ec­u­tive chef

Tri­cia Gre­goire.

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