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Friday, March 14, 2025



92 days ago

Kadi Sylvester

NICHOL­SON: BRINK­LEY age 93years of Beryl McBurnie Cres­cent, Barataria died on De­cem­ber 6, 2024. Son of the late Car­o­line Wal­lace (Matil) and Gur­ley Nichol­son. Hus­band of the late El­ma Nichol­son. Fa­ther of Rod­er­ick, Jacque­line, Joanne, Kathy Ann, Er­ic and Don­na. Grand­fa­ther of Der­ron, De­von, Chelsea, Ar­i­anne, Che and Danielle. Great Grand­fa­ther Jay­den, Khloé, Liíam, Elise, Tariq, Au­ro­ra and Luke. Fa­ther-in-law of Dale Dick­son and Joseph Dray­ton. Broth­er of George, Mor­gan, Eliz­a­beth, Pinky, Beryl, and de­ceased – Del­cie, Mano, Mil­ton, Wilma and oth­ers. Broth­er-in-law of Mona Beache and Shel­ton An­toine. Un­cle of Lau­ra, Avian, Nigel, An­ton and many oth­ers. Cousin of many. Rel­a­tive of the Nichol­sons, Car­ring­tons and Mur­rays. Fu­ner­al ser­vice for the late Brink­ley Nichol­son takes place at 9:00am on Fri­day 13th De­cem­ber, 2024 at the Tran­quil­li­ty Methodist Church, Tra­garete Road, Port of Spain thence to the Wood­brook Ceme­tery, Mu­cu­rapo Road, St. James.

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