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Thursday, March 6, 2025

SWAH Hindu College gets boost for renovation


623 days ago
The SWAHA Hindu College received a $5,000 donation from Xtra Foods Supermarkets toward the renovation of the school’s auditorium as part of the college’s long-term plan of achieving a holistic learning environment. Xtra Foods said it believes this is an investment in the nation’s youth, the future leaders of the country. The presentation took place on June 14, at the Xtra Foods Sangre Grande branch. In photo: Amitraj Ramnanan, senior teacher at SWAHA Hindu College, left, with Dhanash Sagam, president of the SWAHA Hindu College PTSA,  Denzel Benjamin, general manager of Xtra Food Sangre Grande and Daniel Austin, group marketing manager, Xtra Foods.

The SWAHA Hindu College received a $5,000 donation from Xtra Foods Supermarkets toward the renovation of the school’s auditorium as part of the college’s long-term plan of achieving a holistic learning environment. Xtra Foods said it believes this is an investment in the nation’s youth, the future leaders of the country. The presentation took place on June 14, at the Xtra Foods Sangre Grande branch. In photo: Amitraj Ramnanan, senior teacher at SWAHA Hindu College, left, with Dhanash Sagam, president of the SWAHA Hindu College PTSA, Denzel Benjamin, general manager of Xtra Food Sangre Grande and Daniel Austin, group marketing manager, Xtra Foods.

The SWA­HA Hin­du Col­lege has re­ceived from Xtra Foods Su­per­mar­kets a do­na­tion of $5,000 to­ward the ren­o­va­tion of the school's au­di­to­ri­um, as part of the col­lege's long term plan of achiev­ing a holis­tic learn­ing en­vi­ron­ment.

Xtra Foods said it be­lieves this is an in­vest­ment in the na­tion’s youth, the fu­ture lead­ers of the coun­try. The pre­sen­ta­tion took place on June 14 at the Xtra Foods San­gre Grande Branch.

In pho­to from left Ami­traj Ram­nanan - Se­nior Teacher at SWA­HA Hin­du col­lege, Dhanash Sagam, pres­i­dent of the SWA­HA Hin­du Col­lege PT­SA, Den­zel Ben­jamin, gen­er­al man­ag­er opf Xtra Food San­gre Grande Branch and Daniel Austin, group mar­ket­ing man­ag­er of Xtra Foods stand for a pic­ture dur­ing the han­SWAHd­ing over of the cheque.

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