The music, artistry and cultural expressions that go into T&T Carnival, unlike the oil and gas on which the economy still depends, are not dwindling resources.
Properly managed and marketed, these components of this country’s biggest festival can generate much-needed foreign exchange through visitor expenditure and the various activities in this creative sector.
That is why it is so perplexing that an industry that has developed over more than two centuries on a steady supply of innovation and locally sourced content, has been tapping into the country’s scarce supply of foreign exchange.
Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley’s concerns about foreign exchange being expended to import Carnival costumes are valid.
This is not how the Carnival industry should operate. It is time for a closer examination of the factors that have led to this shift from mas production to mas importation.
Several bandleaders have claimed it is too expensive to make costumes with locally sourced raw materials, but it might be time for a deeper examination of the economic models used by mas bands.
The trend of importing finished Brazilian-styled costumes from China — which bandleaders say can be 50 to 100 per cent cheaper than making a costume from scratch with local raw materials — has sparked many contentious debates about the lack of creativity and originality in the production of a mas band.
Bringing in containers of completed costumes with all the sequins, beads and feathers preferred by masqueraders might be more cost-effective for mas bandleaders but does not make much economic sense on a national scale.
This is occurring even as Carnival’s potential to become a key pillar of this country’s economic advancement is yet to be fully realised.
The income generated from the festival last year, when approximately 41,444 visitors came to T&T and spent US$94.2 million on food, entertainment, accommodation, transport, and other expenses, might just be a drop in the bucket compared to what the festival can contribute to the economy.
However, according to experts such as Dr Keith Nurse, who has done research on the subject, there is a dearth of comprehensive data on the annual festival.
In the absence of concrete data, there is no way to validate or disprove the mas bandleaders’ claims about the high cost of locally sourced materials for costumes. There is also no way to measure the income produced from the wide array of goods and services provided throughout the festival and to get a true picture of Carnival’s contribution to GDP.
In a recent interview with the Business Guardian, Dr Jo-anne Tull, a lecturer in Carnival Studies at UWI, St Augustine, said it was important to delve further into how T&T’s Carnival can be exported and also be used to generate other sources of foreign exchange.
That potential extends well beyond the season and the borders of T&T and, as Tull pointed out, it is time to get serious about harnessing avenues and opportunities for growth in the industry that would lead to export.
However, that potential will not be realised if mas producers go for the cheaper, packaged, made-in-China option rather than the creativity and innovation, with full use of local content, on which T&T Carnival was built.
This needs to be a subject of serious discussion at the Carnival 2025 post-mortems.