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Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Agostini’s is now Agostini


32 days ago
CEO of Agostini Ltd, Barry Davis

CEO of Agostini Ltd, Barry Davis

Agos­ti­ni’s Ltd has of­fi­cial­ly changed its name to Agos­ti­ni Ltd fol­low­ing a meet­ing of its share­hold­ers.

The group made an an­nounce­ment yes­ter­day, in which it al­so re­vealed a new lo­go and brand iden­ti­ty, in­clu­sive of name changes to com­pa­nies across the three main sec­tors of its op­er­a­tions—con­sumer prod­ucts, phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal and health­care, and en­er­gy and in­dus­tri­al.

It stat­ed that as a re­gion­al group with op­er­a­tions in 10 mar­kets, clients in over 30 coun­tries and 3,500 em­ploy­ees, the group’s op­er­a­tions have tra­di­tion­al­ly been con­duct­ed through more than 20 com­pa­nies, each with a dif­fer­ent name and lo­go.

Speak­ing of the re­brand­ing ex­er­cise, Group CEO Bar­ry Davis said, “This re­brand is about strength­en­ing our po­si­tion for fu­ture growth, re­in­forc­ing our col­lec­tive iden­ti­ty, and en­sur­ing that our em­ploy­ees, cus­tomers, and part­ners see us and our joint busi­ness ven­tures as part of a larg­er, con­nect­ed, and sus­tain­able or­gan­i­sa­tion.

“As we ap­proach our 100-year an­niver­sary, it is im­por­tant that we present our­selves in a man­ner that re­flects the way we have al­ways op­er­at­ed—as a strong, uni­fied dis­tri­b­u­tion part­ner pro­vid­ing a sim­ple yet pow­er­ful gate­way to the wider re­gion.”

The new Agos­ti­ni lo­go fea­tures four blue leaf-like shapes, rep­re­sent­ing its em­ploy­ees, part­ners, cus­tomers, and com­mu­ni­ties.

“They come to­geth­er to cre­ate a spark of in­no­va­tion and growth—the dri­ving force be­hind Agos­ti­ni. The blue colour sym­bol­is­es trust and sta­bil­i­ty.

“Busi­ness­es op­er­at­ing in the con­sumer prod­uct cat­e­go­ry and man­aged through the group’s joint ven­ture with God­dard En­ter­pris­es of Bar­ba­dos will all in­clude the name Aca­do along­side the new lo­go in a warm or­ange,” the state­ment said.

It added that com­pa­nies in the phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal and health­care sec­tor will in­clude the name of the group’s most re­cent phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal ac­qui­si­tion, Aven­ta, with a vi­brant green ver­sion of the lo­go.

En­er­gy and in­dus­tri­al com­pa­nies will up­date their brand­ing to align with the new iden­ti­ty along­side the group’s lo­go in a cool blue.

Agos­ti­ni Build­ing So­lu­tions will now be known as Agos­ti­ni So­lu­tions Plus.

The state­ment fur­ther added that well-es­tab­lished, con­sumer-fac­ing brands with strong recog­ni­tion through­out the re­gion, in­clud­ing Su­per­Pharm (Trinidad), Collins Phar­ma­cy (Bar­ba­dos), CK’s Su­per­Valu (Grena­da) and Chi­nook, will re­main un­changed.

Com­pa­nies in T&T and Bar­ba­dos will have their name changes take ef­fect from Feb­ru­ary 17, 2025.

Name changes in oth­er ter­ri­to­ries will go in­to ef­fect as reg­u­la­to­ry ap­provals are grant­ed in those mar­kets. (Pe­ter and Com­pa­ny, be­came Aca­do St Lu­cia on Fri­day 7, Feb­ru­ary 2025.)

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