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Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Digicel Business helps T&TEC with technical services


Business Desk
1351 days ago

The COVID-19 pan­dem­ic has fast-tracked dig­i­tal trans­for­ma­tion for most busi­ness­es and it was no dif­fer­ent for the T&TEC as they had to work out how to main­tain op­er­a­tions safe­ly dur­ing the pan­dem­ic.

The com­pa­ny re­quired a sin­gle re­li­able com­mu­ni­ca­tion so­lu­tion that would al­low them to of­fer the lev­el of ser­vice their cus­tomers’ de­serve.

This meant a PBX en­vi­ron­ment, which of­fered the abil­i­ty for re­mote work­ers to main­tain cus­tomer ser­vice re­la­tions; fixed pric­ing struc­ture and un­lim­it­ed da­ta; in­ter­net as a fa­cil­i­ta­tor across all lo­ca­tions; and 24/7 tech­ni­cal sup­port.

“Through the in­tro­duc­tion of host­ed PBX by Dig­i­cel Busi­ness, we fore­see ex­pand­ed growth in ar­eas such as ICT sup­port, soft­ware de­vel­op­ment, mo­bile de­vice man­age­ment and smart sys­tems. We were par­tic­u­lar­ly im­pressed by the Dig­i­cel FreshDesk Por­tal, pro­vid­ing us the se­cu­ri­ty of round-the-clock tech­ni­cal sup­port,” Navin Ram­per­sad, TTEC’s Com­mu­ni­ca­tions En­gi­neer said.

The col­lab­o­ra­tion be­tween Dig­i­cel Busi­ness and the T&TEC of­fered host­ed PBX and mo­bile ser­vices for re­mote work­ers, un­der­pinned by a ro­bust net­work which en­abled their con­tin­ued op­er­a­tions and the ful­fil­ment of their promise of su­pe­ri­or cus­tomer ser­vice. Dig­i­cel’s 24-hour sup­port en­sures they re­main al­ways on and al­ways con­nect­ed.

Tom Car­son, Dig­i­cel Group Chief Busi­ness Of­fi­cer, said: “It was easy enough for us to un­der­stand what T&TEC need­ed, be­cause it was sim­i­lar to our own tran­si­tion dur­ing the pan­dem­ic. As a provider of es­sen­tial ser­vices, we know how im­por­tant it is to be al­ways on and al­ways avail­able and the long-term vi­sion of the T&TEC is one that we share. We worked with them to en­sure that they could ben­e­fit from re­li­able com­mu­ni­ca­tion be­tween re­mote work­ers and cus­tomers.”

Over the years, the T&TEC has es­tab­lished it­self as one of the most tech­no­log­i­cal­ly ad­vanced com­pa­nies in the Caribbean, con­sis­tent­ly meet­ing the de­mands of its res­i­den­tial and com­mer­cial cus­tomers, while si­mul­ta­ne­ous­ly be­ing a dri­ving force be­hind the suc­cess of the en­er­gy sec­tor – the pow­er­house be­hind T&Ts econ­o­my.

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