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Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Sugarcane Feed Centre workers accept 4%


Andrea Perez-Sobers
406 days ago
Chief Personnel Officer Dr Daryl Dindial, right, and Mr Rajindra Mohan, General Secretary, AGWTU, at the signing of the agreements in the Sandra Marchack Conference Room, CPO Office  in Port-of-Spain, yesterday.

Chief Personnel Officer Dr Daryl Dindial, right, and Mr Rajindra Mohan, General Secretary, AGWTU, at the signing of the agreements in the Sandra Marchack Conference Room, CPO Office in Port-of-Spain, yesterday.


The All-Trinidad Gen­er­al Work­ers’ Trade Union (AGW­TU) yes­ter­day ac­cept­ed the Gov­ern­ment’s four per cent wage of­fer for the ju­nior month­ly paid, hourly, and dai­ly-rat­ed work­ers of the Sug­ar­cane Feeds Cen­tre.  

In a news re­lease yes­ter­day, the Of­fice of the Chief Per­son­nel Of­fi­cer (CPO) said the wage in­crease is for the pe­ri­ods Jan­u­ary 1, 2014, to De­cem­ber 31, 2016, and Jan­u­ary 01, 2017, to De­cem­ber 31, 2019.

The re­lease not­ed that in the agree­ment the Sug­ar­cane Feeds Cen­tre work­ers re­ceived a four per cent in­crease in salaries and wages for over six years. The par­ties al­so agreed to a one-time lump­sum pay­ment of $4,000, which is to be tax ex­empt­ed for ju­nior month­ly-paid em­ploy­ees and hourly and dai­ly-rat­ed work­ers who have re­tired com­pul­so­ri­ly, vol­un­tar­i­ly, with per­mis­sion, or on the grounds of ill­ness dur­ing the pe­ri­od Jan­u­ary 01, 2014 to De­cem­ber 31, 2015.

Ad­di­tion­al­ly, the CPO of­fice said an in­crease in cost al­lowances such as meal al­lowance for both ju­nior month­ly paid and hourly and dai­ly-rat­ed em­ploy­ees as well as trav­el­ling al­lowance and com­mut­ed over­time al­lowance in re­spect to the ju­nior month­ly paid staff.  

Last month, AGW­TU al­so signed off on the four per cent of­fer for em­ploy­ees at the Mo­ra Val­ley Farm in Rio Claro for the pe­ri­ods 2014 to 2016 and 2017 to 2019.  

CPO’s Com­man­der Dr. Daryl Din­di­al thanked the trade union, led by Nir­van Ma­hara,j for the con­tin­ued com­mit­ment to ad­dress­ing the nu­mer­ous is­sues con­front­ed by its mem­bers.

Din­di­al once again ap­pealed to those unions who have not ac­cept­ed the of­fer, to ac­cept.

The Pub­lic Ser­vices As­so­ci­a­tion (PSA) has not ac­cept­ed the four per cent of­fer and has tak­en the Gov­ern­ment to court.

Some pub­lic ser­vants protest­ed in front of the PSA head of­fice last Oc­to­ber, call­ing on the union head Leroy Bap­tiste to ac­cept the four per cent of­fer.

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