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Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Fried Ochro with ‘saltfish’


The Propa Eats Team
2140 days ago

Stephanie Pulwarty

FRIED OCHRO with ‘salt­fish’

Fried ochro is one of those dish­es that brings you straight back to home. It’s crispy, salty and in­cred­i­bly mor­eish! We love to eat it with sa­da roti or dhal and rice. Elim­i­nate the salt­fish if you want to make a com­plete­ly veg­e­tar­i­an and ve­g­an dish.

Check out our ar­ti­cle on how to achieve the per­fect amount of crispi­ness in your fried ochro and salt­fish.

Yields: 4 serv­ings

Prep Time: 15 min­utes

Cook Time: 20 min­utes

To­tal Time: 35 min­utes


12 large ochroes, thin­ly sliced

1 onion, quar­tered and sliced

¼-inch piece hot pep­per, seeds re­moved

2 fil­lets salt­ed cod, de-skinned and deboned

2 ta­ble­spoons co­conut oil

Salt, to taste


1 In a large bowl, add salt­fish. Cov­er with boil­ing wa­ter and let soak for 30 min­utes. Drain salt­fish and with a fork or your hands, flake the fil­lets; set aside.

2 In a large non-stick pan, add oil. Then, add ochroes and hot pep­per un­til they be­gin to turn slight­ly gold­en-brown in colour.

3 Add onions and salt­fish and mix pe­ri­od­i­cal­ly. Keep scrap­ing browned bits off the bot­tom of the pan with a wood­en turn­er un­til onions, salt­fish and ochroes are slime-less and browned.

4 Taste your ochro and add salt, if need­ed. Serve with dhal and rice or roti.

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