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Friday, March 14, 2025

Pastelle Pie


The Propa Eats
2282 days ago

The Propa Eats Team

Many Trin­bag­o­ni­ans might ar­gue that Christ­mas is not Christ­mas with­out pastelles. This hol­i­day del­i­ca­cy is quite easy to make from scratch, but it’s tru­ly a time-con­sum­ing has­sle. Here, there’s no need for a pastelle press or fig leaves! To save you the stress, we’ve com­plete­ly de­con­struct­ed a pastelle in­to an easy-to-bake pie that doesn’t skimp on the flavour that you love so dear­ly.

It’s al­so bud­get friend­ly (and we all know our bank ac­counts could use a break at this time of the year).


For the fill­ing

1 pound lean ground beef

½ cup green sea­son­ing

1 ta­ble­spoon olive oil

1 large onion, chopped

5 cloves gar­lic, minced

1 pi­men­to, minced

1 scal­lion, fine­ly chopped

1/2 tea­spoon dried fine thyme

¼ cup ketchup

6 dash­es Worces­ter­shire sauce

¼ cup olives

3 ta­ble­spoons ca­pers

3 ta­ble­spoons raisins

2 ½ tea­spoons salt

For the top­ping

2 cups BELLI­NI Ha­ri­na de Maiz pre-cooked yel­low corn­meal

1 ¼ tea­spoon salt

¼ tea­spoon pa­pri­ka

1 cup luke­warm wa­ter

1 cup warm milk

3 ta­ble­spoons co­conut oil

½ cup but­ter, melt­ed


1 Pre­heat the oven to 350°F.

2 Grease a 12-inch by 9-inch oven-proof glass or ce­ram­ic bak­ing dish and set aside.

3 In a small mix­ing bowl, mix the beef and green sea­son­ing to­geth­er.

4 Heat olive oil in a large fry­ing pan over medi­um heat.

5 Add onions, gar­lic and pi­men­tos and sauté for 3 min­utes or un­til onions are slight­ly brown and fra­grant.

6 Add beef, scal­lion and thyme; cook, stir­ring of­ten, un­til meat crum­bles and is no longer pink, about 7 min­utes.

7 Re­duce the heat and stir in ketchup and Worces­ter­shire sauce.

8 Stir in the olives, raisins and salt; set aside.

9 In a medi­um-sized mix­ing bowl, com­bine the pre-cooked yel­low corn­meal with salt and pa­pri­ka. Thn, add wa­ter, co­conut oil, but­ter.

10 Trans­fer half the corn­meal mix­ture to the light­ly greased dish, press­ing down un­til it’s flat and even. Place the minced beef fill­ing on top of the corn­meal and use the re­main­ing corn­meal mix­ture to cov­er the minced beef com­plete­ly. Press down again.

11 Sprin­kle the top with cheese and bake for 45 min­utes.

12 Cool for 15 min­utes and serve!

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