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Sunday, March 9, 2025

RECIPE: Curried Goat


The Propa Eats Team
2112 days ago

Stephanie Pulwarty

Cur­ried goat mound­ed over dhal and rice or piled be­side paratha is all that’s need­ed for a com­plete meal.

This dish is a sta­ple dur­ing Eid-Ul-Fitr and ar­guably, one of the most loved. It’s aro­mat­ic, spicy and per­fect­ly sea­soned. We make ours with a dash of co­conut milk for added bal­ance.


1 pound goat meat, cut in­to 1-inch cubes

2 ta­ble­spoons lime juice or white vine­gar

4 ta­ble­spoons cur­ry pow­der

2 ta­ble­spoons am­char masala

1 tea­spoon ground geera

½ tea­spoon saf­fron pow­der

1 onion, chopped

3 cloves gar­lic, grat­ed

2 ta­ble­spoons veg­etable oil

2 ta­ble­spoons green sea­son­ing

1 hot pep­per

¼ cup co­conut milk, op­tion­al


Black pep­per

For goat’s green sea­son­ing

1 bunch chives

8 chan­don beni leaves

4 sprigs thyme

1 slice hot pep­per

4 gar­lic cloves

¼ cup chopped onion


1 With a food proces­sor or by rough­ly chop­ping with a chef’s knife, blend all of the goat’s green sea­son­ing in­gre­di­ents to­geth­er; set aside.

2 Wash goat meat with lime juice or vine­gar, drain and then sea­son with salt, black pep­per and green sea­son­ing. Let mar­i­nate for a min­i­mum of 2 hours or ide­al­ly, overnight.

3 In a small bowl mix, cur­ry pow­der, saf­fron pow­der and am­char masala and ground geera with about ½ cup wa­ter un­til it forms a slur­ry; set aside.

4 In a large pot, over medi­um-high heat, add veg­etable oil. Then, sauté onions and gar­lic.

5 Add cur­ry slur­ry to pot and mix. Let cook un­til most of the wa­ter be­gins to evap­o­rate and the slur­ry thick­ens to a paste about 1 ½ min­utes.

6 Then, add sea­soned goat meat and hot pep­per. Mix un­til it is coat­ed with the cur­ry paste thor­ough­ly.

7 The goat will spring wa­ter, let it evap­o­rate and then, add co­conut milk, if us­ing and enough wa­ter to cov­er the meat en­tire­ly, about 3 cups.

8 Cov­er and re­duce heat to medi­um. Let sim­mer un­til goat is cooked through and ten­der, about 1 ½ to 2 hours. If goat meat is not ten­der, cook for an ex­tra 30 min­utes.

9 At this point, the gravy should be of the right con­sis­ten­cy, how­ev­er, if it is too wa­tery, let the goat cook un­cov­ered.

10 Serve with dhal and rice or dhalpuri.

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