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Friday, March 7, 2025

Spicy Thai Peanut Noodle Bowl


The Propa Eats Team
2229 days ago

Amanda Mazely

We are guar­an­teed that one of your New Year’s res­o­lu­tions is to eat health­i­er. Of­ten, peo­ple think that healthy eat­ing = no flavour. This week we’ll prove that you can eas­i­ly eat health­ily with­out skimp­ing on in­dul­gence and de­li­cious­ness. You’ll feel full, en­er­gised and com­plete­ly sat­is­fied with our quick and sim­ple recipes. Use our fea­tured dish­es to get in front of the pre-Car­ni­val prep!


With Car­ni­val fast ap­proach­ing, there is a mas­sive in­crease in healthy di­et­ing! This recipe for is full of colour­ful, fresh veg­gies which are tossed in an easy, home­made peanut sauce. It’s easy to make, tru­ly de­li­cious, and on­ly takes 20 min­utes! Get ready to de­vour a sat­is­fy­ing bowl of slight­ly spicy, sweet and nut­ty noo­dles.


12 ounces rice noo­dles or any oth­er long pas­ta or noo­dle

1 cup car­rots, juli­enned

1 cup sweet pep­per, thin­ly sliced

1 cup red onion, thin­ly sliced

1 cup fresh mush­rooms, sliced

For peanut sauce

½ cup creamy peanut but­ter

3 ta­ble­spoons soy sauce

1 ta­ble­spoon sesame oil

2 ta­ble­spoons lime juice

1 clove minced gar­lic

1 ta­ble­spoon minced fresh gin­ger

2 tea­spoons chilli sauce

¼ cup warm wa­ter

For gar­nish

½ cup chopped, toast­ed peanuts

¼ cup chopped cilantro or chan­don beni

Lime wedges


1 In a medi­um skil­let, heat veg­etable oil over medi­um-high heat.

2 Add car­rots, sweet pep­pers, onions and mush­rooms to skil­let. Sea­son light­ly with salt and pep­per and then, sauté for 3 min­utes; set aside.

3 Blend peanut but­ter, soy sauce, sesame oil, lime juice, gar­lic, gin­ger, chilli sauce and wa­ter un­til smooth. Add wa­ter, 1 tea­spoon at a time, if sauce is too thick.

4 In a large pot, cook noo­dles in sim­mer­ing, salt­ed wa­ter for 1 to 2 min­utes. Rice noo­dles cook very quick­ly so keep an eye on them. Drain noo­dles and re­turn to pot.

5 Toss noo­dles with peanut sauce and veg­eta­bles you set aside.

6 To serve, arrange the noo­dles in a shal­low bowl or on a plate. Gar­nish with chopped toast­ed peanuts, fresh cilantro and lime wedge.

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