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Friday, March 28, 2025

Accountant escapes second attempt on his life


Anna-Lisa Paul
34 days ago

An ac­coun­tant em­ployed with one of the largest fur­ni­ture and ap­pli­ance chains in T&T, was re­port­ed­ly shot at for the sec­ond time in two months as he drove home on Thurs­day.

Po­lice said an at­tempt was made to kill the 34-year-old of Mara­cas, St Joseph, back in De­cem­ber near his home but he man­aged to es­cape un­harmed.

Po­lice said the vic­tim had just left his busi­ness place around 5.20 pm on Feb­ru­ary 20, when up­on reach­ing the cor­ner of Lime Fruit Road and Ram­baran Trace, Freeport a sil­ver Toy­ota Aqua stopped in front of him.

An armed man came out of the pas­sen­ger seat and opened fire on the vic­tim, who re­spond­ed by dri­ving his Hon­da CRV in­to the rear of the sus­pect’s ve­hi­cle.

Even though he was shot in the right shoul­der, the vic­tim man­aged to dri­ve him­self to the Freeport Po­lice Sta­tion, where of­fi­cers took him to the Ch­agua­nas Hos­pi­tal where he was treat­ed and dis­charged in a sta­ble con­di­tion.

Po­lice said five 9 mm spent shells were re­cov­ered at the scene.

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