Senior Political reporter
Action is being taken on hiring staff for the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP).
Interviews for state counsel were conducted as recently as early May, said Attorney General Reginald Armour who participated in meetings with DPP Roger Gaspard and other senior officials to address some of the challenges at the DPP’s office.
“And, of course, I give the assurance to the public—the citizenry—that the office of the Attorney General continues to place the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions–the independent office–at a most pivotal stage in the improvement of our criminal justice system,” Armour said in the Senate yesterday.
Armour did so while piloting legislation to abolish preliminary inquiries (PIs). The 45-clause bill was passed in the House of Representatives on Wednesday.
During the debate, UNC MP Dinesh Rambally noted Armour’s criticism in March of the performance of the DPP’s office. Rambally cited the subsequent calls from attorneys attached to the DPP’s office for an apology from Armour. Rambally, who had expressed concern about structures to operate the system after PIs are abolished, had asked how the DPP’s office would perform in the new framework. Rambally had called on Armour to apologise to the DPP.
In March the office of the DPP was spotlighted by Gaspard’s concerns over chronic staff shortages. Also, at that time the issue of accommodation for the DPP’s office–at a Park Street building which was never occupied–was raised by the Prime Minister and controversial statements had also been made about the DPP’s office by the Chief Justice.
Gaspard, in an April appearance before Parliament’s Joint Select Committee on National Security had stood his ground on issues beyond what his division could rectify, noting the shortages and other issues, including citing interference.
In May, Armour said he had given his commitment to work “shoulder to shoulder” with Gaspard on addressing the issues and both had been having “very meaningful mature conversations.”
Yesterday, during the debate in the Senate, Armour cited new systems offered by the bill, noting this includes the fulsome role of the DPP’s office–the independent office charged with the conduct of prosecution.
Armour added, “In anticipation of comments I have no doubt will be made, may I say that in the process of coming to this House with this bill, among other persons who I’ve consulted on this piece of legislation, I’ve listed them all, but I would emphasise the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions has been consulted.
“Several letters have been written to him inviting his input and he has made input and, may I say, with reference to the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions that I continue to engage with that office, an important part of the criminal justice system, in order to ensure we make progress in improving our criminal justice system.”
Armour added, “I’ve personally participated in meetings with the Director of Public Prosecutions and the chairperson of the Judicial and Legal Service Commission, as recently as April 2023, to address some of the challenges. I’m informed that interviews for state counsel were conducted as recently as early May.”
However, UNC Senator Jayanti Lutchmedial, in her contribution, stated that simply interviewing staff for the DPP’s office and filling lower posts like state counsel will not solve the problem.
She said a proper human resource planning function was needed with autonomy to hire and train personnel so they can be retained.