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Sunday, February 16, 2025

Angostura releases unification song in light of trials


1640 days ago

An­gos­tu­ra has pro­duced an an­them of uni­ty, har­mo­ny and strength called “Re­silient” in light of a string of racist posts that have come to the fore on so­cial me­dia post-elec­tion.

The song’s aim is to unite the re­gion re­mind­ing its peo­ple of how dif­fer­ences can be their strength. The song por­trays Caribbean unique­ness and has an over­ar­ch­ing mes­sage of per­se­ver­ance.

It not on­ly con­tains an in­spi­ra­tional mes­sage but cel­e­brates the strength of the re­gion’s peo­ple. Vo­cal­ists from sev­er­al Caribbean coun­tries came to­geth­er to sing “Re­silient” in­clud­ing Wayne Mar­shall (Ja­maica); King Bub­ba (Bar­ba­dos); Ge­niene Brown (St. Vin­cent and the Grenadines); Ted­dyson John (St. Lu­cia); Nailah Black­man (Trinidad and To­ba­go); Ravi B (Trinidad and To­ba­go); Ter­ri Lyons (Trinidad and To­ba­go) and Rheon El­bourne (Trinidad and To­ba­go).

It was pro­duced by Ku­biyashi Pro­duc­tions (St. Vin­cent and the Grenadines and writ­ten by Tuere Ka­reem (Lons­dale Saatchi & Saatchi Ad­ver­tis­ing Lim­it­ed, Trinidad and To­ba­go).Rahim Mo­hammed, Ex­ec­u­tive Man­ag­er- Cor­po­rate Ser­vices said that An­gos­tu­ra want­ed to re­mind peo­ple of their own strength and re­in­force a mes­sage of uni­ty and love that will keep us all thriv­ing.

He said, “This song is about cel­e­brat­ing the re­silience of our peo­ple, es­pe­cial­ly when faced with many so­cial bar­ri­ers. We ex­pect this song to res­onate with our Caribbean broth­ers and sis­ters as we con­tin­ue to con­front our chal­lenges through a unit­ed force and pro­mote to­geth­er­ness and love to­wards each oth­er!”Mu­sic was pro­vid­ed by Ju­lian Magik, bass from Machel Mon­tano’s band (Bar­ba­dos/Toron­to); vi­o­lin of Dar­ron An­drews Mu­sic (Ja­maica/St. Vin­cent) and Penn Joseph, drums of Maxi Priest band (St. Lu­cia/Ja­maica).

Re­porter: Ryan Ba­choo


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