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Friday, March 14, 2025

APT James gets closer to T&T


1577 days ago
The newest vessel in the national fleet of ferries, the APT James. Image courtesy the National Infrastructure Development Company Limited (NIDCO)

The newest vessel in the national fleet of ferries, the APT James. Image courtesy the National Infrastructure Development Company Limited (NIDCO)

Less than 10,000 nau­ti­cal miles sep­a­rate the newest fer­ry in the na­tion­al fleet—the APT James—from its des­ti­na­tion of Trinidad and To­ba­go, as it con­tin­ues to make its way home, af­ter hav­ing been hand­ed over of­fi­cial­ly to the Gov­ern­ment, ear­li­er this month.

In a re­lease is­sued this morn­ing, the Na­tion­al In­fra­struc­ture De­vel­op­ment Com­pa­ny Lim­it­ed (NID­CO) ad­vis­es that the APT James ar­rived at the Port of Galle, Sri Lan­ka, to­day, Wednes­day 18 No­vem­ber 2020, at 3:45 am (lo­cal time).

Ac­cord­ing to the NID­CO state­ment, the Sri Lan­ka stop is the first of five sched­uled stops for the ves­sel to bunker (re­fu­el) dur­ing its jour­ney to Trinidad and To­ba­go.

Image courtesy the National Infrastructure Development Company Limited (NIDCO).

Image courtesy the National Infrastructure Development Company Limited (NIDCO).

Bunker­ing / Re­fu­elling stops for the ves­sel in­clude the fol­low­ing:

●  Galle, Sril Lan­ka - Bunker­ing - One (1) day

●  Re­pub­lic of Dji­bouti, East Africa - Bunker­ing - One (1) day

●  Suez, Egypt - Bunker­ing - One (1) day

●  Al­ge­ci­ras, Spain - Bunker­ing - One (1) day

●  Pra­ia, Cape Verde - Bunker­ing - One (1) day

With the stop at Sri Lan­ka, the ves­sel has 9,474 nau­ti­cal miles left in its jour­ney to Trinidad and To­ba­go, and is es­ti­mat­ed to ar­rive in late De­cem­ber 2020, good weath­er per­mit­ting.

The proposed route for the APT James’ voyage to Trinidad and Tobago. Image courtesy the National Infrastructure Development Company Limited (NIDCO).

The proposed route for the APT James’ voyage to Trinidad and Tobago. Image courtesy the National Infrastructure Development Company Limited (NIDCO).

The APT James was built by Austal—the Aus­tralian com­pa­ny con­tract­ed by NID­CO to de­sign and build the ve­hi­cle and pas­sen­ger cata­ma­ran—at its new ship­yard in Vung Tau, Viet­nam.

The fer­ry, des­ig­nat­ed 94-me­tre Au­to­Ex­press, will pro­vide high-speed pas­sen­ger and ve­hi­cle op­er­a­tions be­tween Trinidad and To­ba­go.

The APT James fea­tures the very lat­est in 'smart ship' tech­nol­o­gy, in­clud­ing an ad­vanced Mo­tion Con­trol Sys­tem, to de­liv­er a more com­fort­able and sta­ble ride. It has the ca­pac­i­ty for 926 pas­sen­gers and 250 cars, and can trav­el at speeds of up to 37.5 knots.


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