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Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Argument over missing groceries escalates to gun play in Longdenville


Shane Superville
4 days ago

Shane Su­perville

A Long­denville man es­caped se­ri­ous in­jury when an ar­gu­ment over miss­ing gro­ceries es­ca­lat­ed to a strug­gle over a gun on Wednes­day night. 

Po­lice said the 30-year-old man was leav­ing his Flem­ming Street, home around 8 pm when he was con­front­ed by a rel­a­tive who asked about the miss­ing food­stuff that was sent by an­oth­er fam­i­ly mem­ber. 

The con­ver­sa­tion es­ca­lat­ed to an ar­gu­ment, and the rel­a­tive promised to get a gun and re­turn. 

Short­ly af­ter, the man saw two of his rel­a­tives re­turn in a white Kia van. 

One of the rel­a­tives in the van pulled out a gun, but the vic­tim man­aged to knock it out of his hand. 

The at­tack­er got out of the van and picked it up as both he and the vic­tim strug­gled over the gun which was fired sev­er­al times dur­ing the scuf­fle, how­ev­er no one was wound­ed. 

The at­tack­er even­tu­al­ly got back in­to the van which drove off. 

Cen­tral Di­vi­sion po­lice were called in and searched for the sus­pects but did not find them as of Thurs­day morn­ing.

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