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Friday, March 28, 2025

Bandit robs Carenage gas station worker of $30,000


Anna-Lisa Paul
10 days ago

A ban­dit robbed the NP gas sta­tion along the West­ern Main Road, Care­nage, of close to $30,000 on Sun­day, af­ter he over­pow­ered the pro­pri­etress and grabbed the cash bag and ran off.

The in­ci­dent oc­curred around 6 am, as the 39-year-old woman, of Tu­na­puna, ex­it­ed the booth to car­ry out rou­tine checks at the gas pumps ahead of the shift change.

Po­lice said the 37-year-old sus­pect, of Haig Street, Care­nage, had been seat­ed atop a sign near one of the pumps.

The woman re­port­ed­ly greet­ed the sus­pect as she was ac­cus­tomed, be­fore head­ing out to make checks.

Po­lice said as she walked back in­side the booth, the armed sus­pect pushed his way in be­hind her and de­mand­ed the cash.

As the woman re­sist­ed and be­gan fight­ing off the sus­pect, the man be­gan beat­ing her about the body, be­fore he pushed her to the ground and grabbed the cash bag which con­tained $28,069.

As the sus­pect ran off, the woman raised an alarm.

She was lat­er tak­en to the St James Med­ical Com­plex for treat­ment.

CCTV video footage from near­by busi­ness­es and homes was ob­tained by of­fi­cers. — An­na-Lisa Paul

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