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Saturday, March 29, 2025

Blackout shuts down Trinidad


1136 days ago

More than a mil­lion peo­ple were with­out elec­tric­i­ty from just be­fore 1 pm yes­ter­day to up to late last night, as Trinidad was hit by an is­land­wide pow­er out­age.

The sit­u­a­tion con­tin­ued for up to 12 hours in sev­er­al dis­tricts with a domi­no ef­fect on the na­tion’s wa­ter sup­ply as 107 of WASA’s boost­er sta­tions were af­fect­ed, and po­lice were forced to im­ple­ment an overnight emer­gency plan to en­sure safe­ty on the roads and to pre­vent op­por­tu­ni­ties for crim­i­nals.

The lights went out at 12.52 pm and with­in min­utes it be­came clear that the prob­lem was vast as thou­sands took to so­cial me­dia stat­ing that they had lost elec­tric­i­ty from var­i­ous parts of the is­land.

“Cus­tomers are ad­vised that we are ex­pe­ri­enc­ing a ma­jor dis­tur­bance on the sys­tem and are work­ing to re­store sup­ply with­in the short­est pos­si­ble time,” T&TEC said on its Face­book page around 2 pm.

To­ba­go was un­af­fect­ed.

Busi­ness­es and gov­ern­ment of­fices soon be­gan to close and as peo­ple drove home, the non-func­tion­al traf­fic lights pre­sent­ed an­oth­er chal­lenge. Po­lice of­fi­cers were de­ployed to the streets in many ar­eas to guard again col­li­sions and to keep or­der.

The Po­lice Ser­vice is­sued a state­ment ad­vis­ing mo­torists to pro­ceed with ex­treme cau­tion at sig­nalised in­ter­sec­tions and should fol­low the in­struc­tions from po­lice of­fi­cers on-site.

It fur­ther stat­ed that the Traf­fic Man­age­ment Branch would con­tin­ue to as­sess the sit­u­a­tion when pow­er was re­stored across the coun­try.

But as the hours passed, the sit­u­a­tion on­ly wors­ened.

Workers at a store on High Street, San Fernando, listen to a transistor radio as they try to get information on the Island wide black out, yesterday.

Workers at a store on High Street, San Fernando, listen to a transistor radio as they try to get information on the Island wide black out, yesterday.


Com­mu­ni­ca­tion prob­lems

De­spite Bmo­bile and Dig­i­cel keep­ing com­mu­ni­ca­tion run­ning through their cell tow­ers, many still ex­pe­ri­enced prob­lems with their ser­vice and even­tu­al­ly, as cell­phone bat­ter­ies died, com­mu­ni­ca­tion be­tween fam­i­ly and loved ones be­came im­pos­si­ble.

Com­pa­nies with gen­er­a­tors kept run­ning, in­clud­ing me­dia hous­es that sought to keep the coun­try abreast of the sit­u­a­tion.

At 3.20 pm, T&TEC is­sued an­oth­er up­date.

“The In­de­pen­dent Pow­er Pro­duc­ers (IPPs) are cur­rent­ly restart­ing the gen­er­a­tors to al­low a grad­ual restora­tion of sup­ply. This process will take ap­prox­i­mate­ly 2-3 hours,” it said.

That too, proved am­bi­tious as most of the coun­try re­mained dark and at 6.22 pm, the Com­mis­sion re­port­ed that some ar­eas were in fact start­ing to get back sup­ply.

“We can re­port that lim­it­ed restora­tion start­ed at ap­prox­i­mate­ly 5.00 p.m. Some cus­tomers in Pe­nal, Gand­hi Vil­lage and en­vi­rons in Cen­tral Trinidad were brought back on sup­ply. The process of restart­ing the gen­er­a­tors re­quires time and is very grad­ual. Un­for­tu­nate­ly, in this in­stance, the process is tak­ing longer than an­tic­i­pat­ed and it will be a few more hours be­fore all cus­tomers are back on sup­ply. We ac­knowl­edge the dis­tress this is caus­ing and we are work­ing close­ly with the In­de­pen­dent Pow­er Pro­duc­ers to com­plete the process.”

With some fu­el sta­tions still op­er­at­ing, hun­dreds be­gan rush­ing for gas, form­ing long lines in Ch­agua­nas, San Fer­nan­do and Wright­son Road.

Gas, how­ev­er, was not the on­ly prob­lem.

A worker at Dem Boys Apparelon High Street, San Fernando, sits on a speaker box as the store remained in darkness because of the Island wide black out, yesterday.

A worker at Dem Boys Apparelon High Street, San Fernando, sits on a speaker box as the store remained in darkness because of the Island wide black out, yesterday.


107 wa­ter boost­er sta­tions af­fect­ed

The Wa­ter and Sew­er­age Au­thor­i­ty (WASA) then is­sued a state­ment say­ing that most of its wa­ter treat­ment fa­cil­i­ties and boost­er sta­tions through­out Trinidad had been im­pact­ed by the pow­er out­age.

“These in­clude: 40 Wa­ter Treat­ment Plants, 107 Boost­er Sta­tions, 210 ground­wa­ter sources, as well as de­sali­na­tion and waste­water fa­cil­i­ties lo­cat­ed across North and South Trinidad are out of op­er­a­tion. Some fa­cil­i­ties are op­er­at­ing on lim­it­ed pow­er ca­pac­i­ty through gen­er­a­tor sup­ply,” WASA said.

Those in­clud­ed Hol­lis, Tom­pire, Tal­paro and Trin­i­ty (Full Pro­duc­tion), Acono, Siparia and Cara­pal (Par­tial Pro­duc­tion).

In ad­di­tion, WASA said, “It may take 24 to 72 hours for the sup­ply to nor­mal­ize to some af­fect­ed ar­eas”.

As the day dark­ened, con­cerns about safe­ty dur­ing night­time hours took cen­tre fo­cus.

Po­lice emer­gency plan

Act­ing Po­lice Com­mis­sion­er, Mc­Don­ald Ja­cob, how­ev­er, sought to re­as­sure the coun­try that po­lice were mov­ing to ease their fears.

Ja­cob said that the op­er­a­tional units of the Po­lice Ser­vice were im­me­di­ate­ly despatched in foot and mo­bile pa­trols as soon as the pow­er went down around 1 pm.

“We im­me­di­ate­ly went in­to high alert. All mo­bile units were in­formed to con­duct pa­trols, while all oth­er op­er­a­tional units were or­dered to be out­side,” he added.

Ja­cob re­it­er­at­ed that they took a proac­tive stance in re­spond­ing to the sit­u­a­tion.

Late yes­ter­day af­ter­noon there were sev­er­al mes­sages on so­cial me­dia al­leg­ing a se­ries of rob­beries tak­ing place in West Trinidad in­clud­ing Diego Mar­tin, Mar­aval and Care­nage, how­ev­er, se­nior of­fi­cers of the West­ern Di­vi­sion dis­pelled the ru­mours.

Police officers direct traffic on the Priority Bus Route and the Croisee inersection  in San Juan during the nationwide black out, yesterday.

Police officers direct traffic on the Priority Bus Route and the Croisee inersection in San Juan during the nationwide black out, yesterday.


WASA GM’s daunt­ing time­line

T&TEC’s gen­er­al man­ag­er Kelvin Ram­sook was a live guest on the CNC3 news­cast at 7.06 pm and said it would take an­oth­er five hours for the sup­ply to be re­stored.

He said a fault was de­tect­ed at the Union Gand­hi 220 KV cir­cuit and that while they were able to iden­ti­fy the fault­ed lo­ca­tion, they were still in­ves­ti­gat­ing the rea­son for the fault.

He said dur­ing the pe­ri­od of de­fault and be­cause it was a ma­jor line, the ma­chines at Trinidad Gen­er­a­tion Un­lim­it­ed (TGU) went in­to shut­down mode.

“At this stage, while the sys­tem was ful­ly cleared at 1.50 pm, the is­sue was to get all the gen­er­a­tion ca­pac­i­ty back on­to the grid and that is caus­ing some chal­lenges. We have nev­er had this sit­u­a­tion oc­cur­ring for many years and all four gen­er­at­ing sta­tions are sep­a­rat­ed and we are hav­ing chal­lenges get­ting the ca­pac­i­ty back on­to the grid and in­ter­con­nec­tion there­after,” he said.

“If I had to give you a clear idea of when pow­er would be re­stored, I would say any­thing in the re­gion of four or five hours,” he added.

Pub­lic Util­i­ties Min­is­ter Mar­vin Gon­za­lves was al­so live and apol­o­gised to the na­tion “for this ma­jor dis­rup­tion and in­con­ve­nience”.

He said he was at the T&TEC main con­trol cen­tre in Mt Hope and “the guys go­ing out of their way and col­lab­o­rat­ing with in­de­pen­dent pow­er pro­duc­ers to bring elec­tric­i­ty back”.

How­ev­er, he not­ed that what tran­spired had ex­posed the vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties on the elec­tri­cal grid.

He added he would be speak­ing with the Prime Min­is­ter and Cab­i­net to look at the grid and put con­tin­gen­cies in place to en­sure that this sit­u­a­tion is re­solved in the short to medi­um term.

He al­so promised an in­de­pen­dent in­ves­ti­ga­tion to un­der­stand what hap­pened and re­port on ways for it not to be re­peat­ed.

Motorists wait in line to buy gas at an NP Gas Station in Cross Crossing, San Fernando, last night.

Motorists wait in line to buy gas at an NP Gas Station in Cross Crossing, San Fernando, last night.


Sup­ply restora­tion be­gins

Around 9.30 pm, T&TEC was again up­dat­ing the coun­try.

“We con­tin­ue to sup­port the ef­forts of our In­de­pen­dent Pow­er Pro­duc­ers to get pow­er back on­to to grid for dis­tri­b­u­tion by T&TEC. While restora­tion is mov­ing slow­er than ini­tial­ly hoped, more cus­tomers (com­mu­ni­ties in clos­est prox­im­i­ty to the gen­er­at­ing plants) are back up. Most cus­tomers from Pe­nal to Pt Lisas are now on sup­ply. We con­tin­ue to grad­u­al­ly push pow­er fur­ther north, west and east. We an­tic­i­pate that, bar­ring any un­fore­seen cir­cum­stances, those cus­tomers should be back on in ap­prox­i­mate­ly two hours.”

T&TEC is­sued an­oth­er state­ment at 11 pm say­ing the fault on the Gand­hi Vil­lage/Union Es­tate 220 KV line re­sult­ed in sys­tem in­sta­bil­i­ty and caused all the gen­er­at­ing ma­chines op­er­at­ed by IPPs to trip, lead­ing to a loss of sup­ply to all cus­tomers in Trinidad.

“Restart­ing the gen­er­a­tors from ze­ro is known as a black start, how­ev­er, there were some un­fore­seen de­lays in com­plet­ing this process,” it said.

It added: “At this time all the IPPs have start­ed their gen­er­a­tors and most cus­tomers from Pe­nal to Mt Hope are back on sup­ply. Bar­ring un­fore­seen cir­cum­stances, we ex­pect to re­store sup­ply to the rest of the is­land (east, fur­ther north and west) by 1:00 a.m. We again apol­o­gise for the ex­tend­ed out­age and the ag­gra­vat­ed in­con­ve­nience caused. T&TEC is mind­ful of its man­date to pro­vide cus­tomers with a safe and re­li­able sup­ply of elec­tric­i­ty and reaf­firms its com­mit­ment to do so. The Com­mis­sion will share fur­ther in­for­ma­tion on this in­ci­dent to­mor­row, when in­ter­nal as­sess­ments are more ad­vanced.”
By 1 am, more than 12 hours af­ter it went, many were re­port­ing that elec­tric­i­ty had fi­nal­ly been re­stored in their dis­tricts.

Joanne Brown lights a candle at her home in Marabella during the black out, last night.

Joanne Brown lights a candle at her home in Marabella during the black out, last night.


- Com­piled by Samp­son Nan­ton with ad­di­tion­al re­port­ing by Ot­to Car­ring­ton and Rhon­dor Dowlat-Ros­tant.

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