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Friday, March 28, 2025

Brasso Police Station to reopen Wednesday


34 days ago
Brasso Police Station

Brasso Police Station

The Bras­so Po­lice Sta­tion will be re­opened around 1 pm on Wednes­day.

This, from act­ing Po­lice Com­mis­sion­er Ju­nior Ben­jamin yes­ter­day, as he said mi­nor in­fra­struc­tur­al works were be­ing at­tend­ed to.

Dur­ing a me­dia brief­ing at the Po­lice Ad­min­is­tra­tion Build­ing, Port-of-Spain, Ben­jamin said of­fi­cers were ready to re­turn to the sta­tion, which had been closed more than one year ago.

Main­tain­ing a promise to re­open the San Raphael Po­lice Sta­tion soon af­ter, the top cop said he did not ex­pect that ve­hic­u­lar is­sues would af­fect the op­er­a­tions at ei­ther sta­tion, as he had on­ly yes­ter­day signed off on a pay­ment for a lo­cal ser­vice provider to con­tin­ue main­te­nance of the ve­hi­cle fleet as­signed to the Cen­tral Di­vi­sion.

Re­spond­ing to re­ports that many of the ve­hi­cles in the di­vi­sion had been ground­ed af­ter Toy­ota re­fused to con­tin­ue ser­vic­ing them due to un­paid monies, Ben­jamin con­firmed a pay­ment had been au­tho­rised.

Un­will­ing to say just how much was owed to Toy­ota and what had been paid, he said steps would be put in place to en­sure there was no re­cur­rence.

And with a mil­lion-dol­lar cap at his dis­pos­al to ad­dress ur­gent mat­ters as CoP, Ben­jamin would on­ly state, “It was well be­low that fig­ure.” —An­na-Lisa Paul

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