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Monday, March 24, 2025

Cadet Major: COVID-19 hype unwarranted


1842 days ago
Faith John, left, gives Akeeme Sabazan an elbow bounce as the sign of peace during the Trinidad and Tobago Cadet Force 110th Anniversary Procession of Colours at the St Paul’s Anglican Church Harris Promenade San Fernando, yesterday.

Faith John, left, gives Akeeme Sabazan an elbow bounce as the sign of peace during the Trinidad and Tobago Cadet Force 110th Anniversary Procession of Colours at the St Paul’s Anglican Church Harris Promenade San Fernando, yesterday.


Even as the glob­al num­ber of con­firmed cas­es of COVID-19 sur­passed 100,000 this week­end, Ma­jor Rod­ney Brown of the T&T Cadet Force be­lieves there is no need for pan­ic.

Speak­ing at the T&T Cadet Force (TTCF) pro­ces­sion of colours held at the St Paul’s An­gli­can Church on Sun­day, Brown said while it was nec­es­sary to take pre­cau­tions to pre­vent the spread of the virus, cit­i­zens should not see it as the biggest prob­lem fac­ing hu­man­i­ty.

“Let us take ur­gent steps and all the nec­es­sary pre­cau­tions. Let us have an ac­tion plan but there is no need for the over hype and world­wide pan­ic,” Brown said.

He added, “Yes, over 100,000 peo­ple have been in­fect­ed by the virus and 3,000 have died main­ly peo­ple over 60 with a pre-ex­ist­ing con­di­tion.”

Say­ing the like­li­hood of a healthy per­son dy­ing from the virus was un­der one per cent, Brown said this was about the same chance one had of win­ning the lot­tery.

Brown al­so said any­one who was sick should stay out of the work­place.

“I don’t think any­one will de­ny you leave if you are sick, es­pe­cial­ly around this time so if you are sick avoid con­tact with peo­ple,” he added.

Brown al­so said that the COVID-19 was not the great­est af­flic­tion of mankind.

“Wor­ry about coro­na if you will but I am here to tell you that you have a lot more to wor­ry about in the fu­ture and this is be­cause of sin. That is the dead­liest threat fac­ing all of hu­man­i­ty,” Brown added.

He again warned cit­i­zens to wash their hands of­ten, use al­co­hol-based san­i­tiz­ers, cov­er their mouths and noses when sneez­ing, avoid touch­ing eyes, nose and mouth, keep away from peo­ple who cough and sneeze and stay away from the pub­lic if they get any flu-like symp­toms.

He al­so urged cadets to be wary of sex­u­al promis­cu­ity. Say­ing sex­u­al mis­con­duct was preva­lent in schools, Brown said it was now creep­ing in­to the Cadet Force.

He called on the cadets to stay away from for­ni­ca­tion and any type of sex­u­al mis­con­duct.

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