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Monday, March 10, 2025

Chaguanas Carnival Committee: Bigger, brighter celebrations for 2025


Shastri Boodan
35 days ago
Longdenville councillor Brenda John uses a handkerchief to fan a Dame Lorraine at the launch of Carnival in Chaguanas yesterday.

Longdenville councillor Brenda John uses a handkerchief to fan a Dame Lorraine at the launch of Carnival in Chaguanas yesterday.


Free­lance Cor­re­spon­dent

The Ch­agua­nas Bor­ough Car­ni­val Com­mit­tee (CBCC) of­fi­cial­ly launched the 2025 cel­e­bra­tions with a street pa­rade.

Speak­ing at yes­ter­day’s launch, CBCC Chair­man Rene Bai­ley said cel­e­bra­tions would be big­ger and brighter this year.

Bai­ley said that the CBCC re­ceived ex­ten­sive feed­back from all rel­e­vant par­ties, in­clud­ing band­lead­ers and the pro­tec­tive ser­vices, to en­sure the safe­ty of the event. Lead­ing up to Car­ni­val Mon­day and Tues­day, there will al­so be ad­di­tion­al cel­e­bra­tions such as the Ju­nior and Se­nior Ca­lyp­so com­pe­ti­tions and the Ju­nior Pa­rade of the Bands. These events are all part of the broad­er Car­ni­val fes­tiv­i­ties.

She said on Car­ni­val Mon­day fol­low­ing J’Ou­vert, the CBCC would launch Echoes of An­ces­try. She said it would in­volve a fu­sion of tas­sa, steel­pan, and rhythm sec­tions.

“We have some­thing for every­one.”

Bai­ley ex­plained that the CBCC would be get­ting funds from the NCC, the pri­vate sec­tor and var­i­ous fundrais­ing ven­tures. Greet­ings al­so came from Deputy Ch­agua­nas May­or Melis­sa Jadoo­nanan and Carl­ton Kerr of the Na­tion­al Car­ni­val Com­mis­sion.

The event com­menced with a short for­mal pro­gramme at the Ch­agua­nas Bor­ough Cor­po­ra­tion fol­lowed by a pa­rade along the Ch­agua­nas Main Road.

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