The Couva Point Lisas Chamber of Commerce (CPLCC) will be offering a scholarship of $36,000 to students at the University of T&T starting in September.
CPLCC President, Mukesh Ramsingh, said the Chamber signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the University of T&T on Wednesday to provide the funds for one course of study.
He said following this, the selected student would be asked to undertake a period of internship with one of the companies who are members of the CPLCC.
Ramsingh said in the first instance the CPLCC would be able to fund one student. He said funding for the project would be coming out of revenue generated by the CPLCC.
Ramsingh said the UTT would set the criteria and choose the beneficiary. “We have noticed that a lot of students have finished their degrees and are finding difficulty to get employment and some are over qualified. Want to make the transition to the workplace easier,” he said.