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Saturday, March 8, 2025

Clerk robbed on Nelson Street, PoS after meeting man on Grindr


Otto Carrington
282 days ago
Officers of the ABM Task Force were on mobile patrol along Diego Martin Main Road, this morning, when they spotted the suspects near the Starlite Shopping Plaza

Officers of the ABM Task Force were on mobile patrol along Diego Martin Main Road, this morning, when they spotted the suspects near the Starlite Shopping Plaza


An em­ploy­ee of the Min­istry of Le­gal Af­fairs was robbed in Port of Spain on Thurs­day af­ter meet­ing a man on a so­cial net­work­ing site called Grindr.

Ac­cord­ing to the po­lice, the vic­tim, a Clerk II at­tached to the Min­istry of Le­gal Af­fairs, went to meet a man around 10:30 a.m.

The po­lice de­scribed the man as be­ing of African de­scent, slim build, ap­prox­i­mate­ly 5 feet 4 inch­es tall, with a dark com­plex­ion, be­tween 19-23 years old, and wear­ing a white vest, blue 3/4 jeans, and black slip­pers.

They met in the vicin­i­ty of the All-Stars Pan Yard on Duke Street, Port of Spain.

The vic­tim then agreed to pro­ceed to the man’s apart­ment build­ing on the east­ern side of Nel­son Street, Port of Spain.

Up­on as­cend­ing the sec­ond flight of stairs, the vic­tim was ac­cost­ed by five men of un­known de­scrip­tion who pro­ceed­ed to rob him.

The ban­dits took the clerk’s Ap­ple iPhone 13 Pro Max val­ued at $8,000 TTD, Ap­ple Watch 6 val­ued at $4,000 TTD, and Ap­ple ear­buds val­ued at $2,500 TTD.

They al­so took one Unit Trust Cor­po­ra­tion deb­it card and one Roy­al Bank deb­it card.

The sus­pects then made their es­cape in dif­fer­ent di­rec­tions.


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