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Saturday, February 15, 2025

Compensation offer upsets Moonilal


Radhica Da Silva
1886 days ago


Faced with dev­as­tat­ing floods in his con­stituen­cy, Oropouche East MP Dr Roodal Mooni­lal yes­ter­day de­scribed as “con­temp­tu­ous” the pro­posed $1 mil­lion grant to the Pe­nal/Debe re­gion to as­sist flood­ing vic­tims.

He ad­dressed the swear­ing-in cer­e­mo­ny of the new al­der­men and re­turn­ing chair­man Dr Allen Sam­my along with re­turn­ing deputy chair­man Diptee Ram­nath, who was for­mer PNM coun­cil­lor un­der the Patrick Man­ning gov­ern­ment who lat­er crossed the floor.

Dr Mooni­lal called on the Gov­ern­ment to treat with Pe­nal/Debe as they did with Green­vale res­i­dents.

He said the Gov­ern­ment spent mil­lions of dol­lars to re­place fur­ni­ture and ap­pli­ances in the af­ter­math of flood­ing last No­vem­ber in Green­vale.

Mooni­lal con­tend­ed that “the one mil­lion pro­posed by the Row­ley cab­i­net could not help one elec­toral dis­trict far less the eight that were dev­as­tat­ed by floods.

Say­ing it was an act of mal­ice and dis­crim­i­na­tion, Mooni­lal called on the Gov­ern­ment to re­place fur­ni­ture, ap­pli­ances and as­sist with re­build­ing and re­fur­bish­ing the hun­dreds of homes dev­as­tat­ed by the floods.

He in­formed the au­di­ence that the flood­ing in Pe­nal/Debe was not seen as a pri­or­i­ty for ur­gent at­ten­tion by the PNM gov­ern­ment.

He al­so blast­ed Min­is­ter of Works Ro­han Sinanan for the ne­glect in un­der­tak­ing drainage works in the re­gion.

“Rain might be an act of God but flood­ing is an act of Ro­han—who is not God,” Mooni­lal added.

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