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Thursday, March 6, 2025

CONFIRMED! Kids die in early morning fire in Maraval


1319 days ago



As­sis­tant Chief Fire Of­fi­cer, Mar­lon Smith, has con­firmed the deaths of three chil­dren who were trapped in a fire in a house in Rook­ery Nook, Mar­aval.

Asst CFO Smith told Guardian Me­dia that around 7:30 am, to­day, Fire Ser­vice ap­pli­ances at the Wright­son Road Sta­tion re­spond­ed to a re­port of a fire at a res­i­dence in Rook­ery Nook, Mar­aval.

The of­fi­cers bat­tled for quite a while to con­tain the fire, and even­tu­al­ly found three bod­ies at the burnt-out res­i­dence.

The body of a 17-year-old male was found in the gallery of house. The area was sur­round­ed with bur­glar-proof­ing, and it is be­lieved that he was un­able to es­cape.

When fire of­fi­cers went in­to the build­ing, they dis­cov­ered the body of a three-year-old male in one of the front rooms.  To the back of the house, they found the body of a six-year-old fe­male.

Two teenagers who lived at the res­i­dence—a 13-year-old and a 15-year-old—had man­aged to es­cape the burn­ing build­ing with the as­sis­tance of a neigh­bour, Dane Gomez, who was in­stru­men­tal in res­cu­ing them.

Dra­mat­ic videos be­gan shar­ing on so­cial me­dia, this morn­ing, show­ing sev­er­al per­sons at­tempt­ing to res­cue the three chil­dren who were still trapped in the house at Rook­ery Nook in Mar­aval, af­ter a fire broke out there.

The iden­ti­ties of the de­ceased chil­dren have not yet been re­leased.

Guardian Me­dia will bring you more in­for­ma­tion on this sto­ry as it comes to hand.


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