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Monday, February 17, 2025

Cop in court for alleged rape of stepdaughter


19 days ago

A po­lice of­fi­cer has been grant­ed $300,000 bail af­ter ap­pear­ing in court charged with rap­ing his step­daugh­ter while he was on sus­pen­sion for al­leged­ly kid­nap­ping and rap­ing a woman with a col­league. 

The 42-year-old of­fi­cer from cen­tral Trinidad, whose iden­ti­ty was with­held to pro­tect the vic­tim, made his first court ap­pear­ance in re­la­tion to the at­tack on the girl be­fore Mas­ter Rhea Lib­ert yes­ter­day af­ter­noon. 

In April 2013, the of­fi­cer and his co-work­er were charged with griev­ous sex­u­al as­sault, rape, kid­nap­ping and bug­gery. 

They were ac­cused of car­ry­ing a woman against her will from Ca­roni to a des­o­late area in Ch­agua­nas where they sex­u­al­ly as­sault­ed her. 

The of­fi­cers al­so were charged with two counts of mis­be­hav­iour in pub­lic of­fice, re­lat­ing to so­lic­it­ing and re­ceiv­ing a bribe from the male com­pan­ion of the vic­tim, who was with her when she was ab­duct­ed. 

In 2020, the Chil­dren’s Au­thor­i­ty con­tact­ed the Cen­tral Di­vi­sion’s Child Pro­tec­tion Unit to re­port the sex­u­al as­sault of a 13-year-old girl when she was be­tween sev­en and nine years old and liv­ing with her moth­er and the of­fi­cer. 

The al­leged vic­tim was in­ter­viewed in her aunt’s pres­ence and was med­ical­ly ex­am­ined. 

When the of­fi­cer was con­front­ed in the pres­ence of his at­tor­ney at the Freeport Po­lice Sta­tion in June 2022, he de­nied any wrong­do­ing. 

“I am dev­as­tat­ed by the al­le­ga­tion that you have stat­ed, I have been a fa­ther to the per­son you name,” he said. 

“I am of the opin­ion that some­one is be­hind this and I will get to the bot­tom of it,” he added. 

The in­ves­ti­ga­tor con­tin­ued his probe and re­ar­rest­ed the of­fi­cer af­ter he re­ceived ad­vice from the Of­fice of the Di­rec­tor of Pub­lic Pros­e­cu­tions (DPP) last week. 

He was then charged with se­ri­ous in­de­cen­cy, sex­u­al in­ter­course with a fe­male un­der the age of 14, and sex­u­al touch­ing of a child. 

The of­fi­cer was not called up­on to plead to the lat­est charges when he ap­peared be­fore Mas­ter Lib­ert. 

Dur­ing the hear­ing, a po­lice pros­e­cu­tor did not ob­ject to bail. 

He not­ed that the al­leged vic­tim, who is now 18 years old, lives in the Unit­ed States. He al­so ad­mit­ted that there was no ev­i­dence of the of­fi­cer threat­en­ing the al­leged vic­tim in the time frame be­tween the al­leged at­tacks and his be­ing charged. 

Mas­ter Lib­ert raised con­cerns over her abil­i­ty to con­sid­er bail as he had pend­ing charges for sim­i­lar of­fences. 

The of­fi­cer’s lawyer Bhi­mal Ma­hara­jh point­ed out that while his client was charged over a decade ago, there is yet to be a pre­lim­i­nary in­quiry or suf­fi­cient hear­ing for his case to go to tri­al. 

He al­so claimed that the pos­si­bil­i­ty of his client in­tim­i­dat­ing the vic­tim is low as she lives abroad. 

While Mas­ter Lib­ert agreed to grant the of­fi­cer bail with his moth­er as sure­ty, she im­posed sev­er­al con­di­tions in­clud­ing or­der­ing him to live with her and re­port to the Ch­agua­nas Po­lice Sta­tion every last Thurs­day of the month un­til his case is de­ter­mined. 

He was al­so or­dered to re­frain from con­tact­ing the vic­tim ei­ther di­rect­ly or in­di­rect­ly, in­clud­ing through so­cial me­dia. 

As the po­lice pros­e­cu­tor in­di­cat­ed that the DPP’s Of­fice may ap­point a pros­e­cu­tor for the case, Mas­ter Lib­ert did not set a date for the start of the suf­fi­cien­cy hear­ing. 

The case is sched­uled for a sta­tus hear­ing on No­vem­ber 13.

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