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Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Cops probing several robberies across East-West corridor


Shane Superville
31 days ago

Po­lice in sev­er­al di­vi­sions along the East-West cor­ri­dor are in­ves­ti­gat­ing nu­mer­ous re­ports of rob­beries which took place through­out the day on Thurs­day.

In the first in­ci­dent, po­lice of­fi­cers said a fam­i­ly of three was robbed of elec­tron­ics and oth­er valu­ables when ban­dits stormed their Pi­ar­co home at around 7.50 am.

Po­lice said one of the vic­tims, a 35-year-old woman was walk­ing down­stairs in­to the yard of her Fac­to­ry Road Ex­ten­sion, home around 7.50 am when she was con­front­ed by sev­en ban­dits, one of whom had a gun.

The ban­dits forced the woman back in­to the house where she was beat­en on her head.

The ban­dits stole her cell­phone, the keys to her car and a quan­ti­ty of gold jew­ellery.

The ban­dits then went from room to room in the house, wak­ing up one of the women from her sleep and steal­ing oth­er valu­ables in­clud­ing elec­tri­cal amps, an X-Box gam­ing con­sole and con­trollers and oth­er jew­ellery, be­fore flee­ing the house.

Hours lat­er at 12.15 pm, ban­dits trav­el­ling in a sil­ver car drove in front of a man's way, block­ing him on Meade Street, El Do­ra­do.

The ban­dits got out of the car and con­front­ed him, steal­ing two iPhone cell­phones, US $18, three Ama­zon fire sticks, two pairs of earplugs and a bot­tle of de­sign­er cologne, be­fore get­ting back in the car and speed­ing off.

The rob­beries con­tin­ued in­to the night when ban­dits in a grey Nis­san Ti­i­da drove in front of a woman who was sit­ting in her black Hon­da Vezel on Colum­bus Street, Ari­ma, around 9.10 pm.

The ban­dits point­ed a gun at the woman and pulled her out of the car, as one of them drove off with the ve­hi­cle, fol­lowed by their get­away car.

Min­utes lat­er around 9.20 pm, po­lice said a Mor­vant man was park­ing his sil­ver Nis­san Ti­i­da on Laven­tille Road, Chin­napoo, when an­oth­er car drove along­side his own.

Two ban­dits, one of whom had a gun, got out of the car and or­dered him out of his car.

One of the ban­dits drove off with the man's car, as his ac­com­plice fol­lowed be­hind.

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