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Saturday, March 15, 2025

CWI CEO congratulates T&T on winning Super50 Cup


Ryan Bachoo
7 days ago

Ryan Ba­choo

Crick­et West In­dies (CWI) Chief Ex­ec­u­tive Of­fi­cer (CEO) Chris Dehring has con­grat­u­lat­ed the Trinidad & To­ba­go Red Force Di­vas on win­ning the CG Unit­ed Women’s Su­per50 Cup 2025 af­ter an ex­cit­ing tour­na­ment in St. Kitts.

In his con­grat­u­la­to­ry mes­sage, Dehring said, “Trinidad & To­ba­go Red Force Di­vas played with great skill and tac­ti­cal aware­ness through­out the tour­na­ment. Un­der the lead­er­ship of Kar­ish­ma Ramharack, they cap­i­tal­ized on their strengths to se­cure the ti­tle. Their con­sis­ten­cy show­cased the ris­ing tal­ent in the Caribbean, and it was in­spir­ing to see so many young play­ers com­pet­ing at this lev­el.”

In the fi­nal, Trinidad & To­ba­go se­cured a sev­en-wick­et vic­to­ry over mul­ti­ple-time cham­pi­ons Bar­ba­dos, with cap­tain Kar­ish­ma Ramharack de­liv­er­ing a Play­er of the Fi­nal per­for­mance. Ramharack’s im­pres­sive bowl­ing was sup­port­ed by Anisa Mo­hammed, who took three wick­ets, along with 15-year-old Am­ri­ta Ram­ta­hal and West In­dies Un­der-19 cap­tain Sama­ra Ram­nath, as they dis­missed Bar­ba­dos for just 71 runs.

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