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Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Divali Nagar kicks off in October with focus on the family


Shastri Boodan
169 days ago
Indian High Commissioner  Pradeep Rajpurohit, left, joins Minister of Foreign and Caricom Affairs Dr Amery Browne, Minister of Works Rohan Sinanan and NCIC head Deoroop Teemal to light a deya at the NCIC Nagar, Chaguanas, on Saturday.

Indian High Commissioner Pradeep Rajpurohit, left, joins Minister of Foreign and Caricom Affairs Dr Amery Browne, Minister of Works Rohan Sinanan and NCIC head Deoroop Teemal to light a deya at the NCIC Nagar, Chaguanas, on Saturday.


Free­lance Cor­re­spon­dent

The 36th edi­tion of Di­vali Na­gar gets rolling on Oc­to­ber 22 and will run un­til Oc­to­ber 30, with a fo­cus be­ing placed on strength­en­ing the in­sti­tu­tion of the fam­i­ly.

This was an­nounced by In­de­pen­dent Sen­a­tor De­oroop Teemal, pres­i­dent of the Na­tion­al Coun­cil of In­di­an Cul­ture (NCIC), over the week­end.

He was ad­dress­ing a cul­tur­al show for at­ten­dees of a three-day In­ter­na­tion­al Con­fer­ence on Hin­di at the NCIC Na­gar, Ch­agua­nas.

He said the theme for this year’s Di­vali Na­gar cel­e­bra­tions is Ghrias Ashram - Build­ing Homes and Build­ing Fam­i­lies. Teemal said the theme would look at par­ent­ing and the in­sti­tu­tion of the fam­i­ly.

“It is an at­tempt on the part of the NCIC to con­tribute to our na­tion­al re­spon­si­bil­i­ty,” he ex­plained.

Teemal said the NCIC Na­gar has be­come a unique site through­out the West­ern Hemi­sphere be­cause of Di­vali Na­gar cel­e­bra­tions. He said the Na­gar places In­di­an cul­ture at the fore­front and in a na­tion­al way for all peo­ple to ap­pre­ci­ate.

Min­is­ter of For­eign and Cari­com Af­fairs Dr  Amery Browne told the gath­er­ing that there is a lot more work that has to be done in the re­gion to en­sure the growth of Hin­di.

He said, “Hin­di as a lan­guage al­so res­onates across our so­ci­ety.”

He added that T&T has deep ties with In­dia and many lo­cals have gone on to par­tic­i­pate in train­ing pro­grammes in that coun­try which have al­lowed for fa­mil­iari­sa­tion in Hin­di.

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