Anguilla is expected to receive in excess of TT $24 million from the Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility (CCRIF)for damage wrought by tropical cyclone Earl which brushed the island on August 30.
In a statement issued yesterday CCRIF said, "Based on preliminary calculations undertaken using CCRIF's catastrophe loss model and the most recent data from the National Hurricane Center, Anguilla will receive just over US$4 million."
The statement added that the CCRIF hopes the fund will address the immediate needs.
Already the CCRIF has partnered with the Caribbean Institute for Meteorology and Hydrology and disaster management officials in Anguilla to collect information relevant to hazard and risk assessment there.
"CCRIF is also engaged in supporting the collection of accurate post-impact information in order to better understand the challenges faced," the statement said. Sixteen governments are CCRIF signatories including Anguilla. The fund is designed to quickly provide short-term liquidity in emergencies.