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Monday, February 17, 2025

Eastern Credit Union confirms shooting incident near Barataria Branch


23 days ago

East­ern Cred­it Union has con­firmed re­ports of a shoot­ing in­ci­dent that oc­curred near its Barataria branch on Fri­day, Jan­u­ary 24, 2025.

And the cred­it union al­so con­firmed that the vic­tim in­volved in the in­ci­dent had not used its fa­cil­i­ties.

“Ac­cord­ing to me­dia re­ports, at ap­prox­i­mate­ly 1:15 pm, a man was shot while seat­ed in his ve­hi­cle near the cor­ner of 4th Av­enue, Barataria, and East­ern Main Road. It was al­leged that the vic­tim had just used one of our ATMs pri­or to the in­ci­dent,” a state­ment from East­ern Cred­it Union said.

It con­firmed: “Af­ter a thor­ough re­view of our records, we can con­firm that the vic­tim did not uti­lize any of East­ern Cred­it Union's fa­cil­i­ties or ATM.”


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