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Friday, March 14, 2025

Elderly woman's body found in Malabar


Shane Superville

Shane Su­perville 

Po­lice are in­ves­ti­gat­ing the death of a woman who was be­lieved to have been mur­dered at her Mal­abar home. 

In­ves­ti­ga­tors said of­fi­cers of the Mal­abar Po­lice Post re­ceived a re­port of a foul stench com­ing from a house on Patrick Pam­phille Av­enue, Phase 4-1, around 3.30 pm on Wednes­day and went to the scene.

On ar­rival, the of­fi­cers no­ticed flies near the house and forced open a door when they found the de­com­pos­ing body of Ju­dith Har­ris in the bed­room.

Po­lice said Har­ris was in her sev­en­ties and was found ly­ing on her stom­ach, with her right hand in­sert­ed in­to a hol­lowed-out red brick, while an­oth­er red brick was found near her stom­ach.

A wood­en chair with cloth­ing was placed over her head, while a plas­tic chair was placed over her leg. 

A dis­trict med­ical of­fi­cer vis­it­ed the scene and or­dered Har­ris' body re­moved to the Foren­sic Sci­ence Cen­tre, St James, for au­top­sy.

Re­gion II Homi­cide in­ves­ti­ga­tors are con­tin­u­ing en­quiries.

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