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Friday, March 21, 2025

Electrical problem affecting operations at Point Lisas Desalination Plant


565 days ago
Point Lisas Desalination Plant. Image courtesy Desalcott.

Point Lisas Desalination Plant. Image courtesy Desalcott.

Parts of Cen­tral and South-West Trinidad cur­rent­ly ex­pe­ri­enc­ing low pres­sures or in some in­stances no wa­ter sup­ply, should be­gin feel some re­lief lat­er to­day, Sun­day (Sep­tem­ber 3).

A joint re­lease is­sued by the De­sali­na­tion Com­pa­ny of Trinidad and To­ba­go (DE­SAL­COTT) and the Wa­ter and Sew­er­age Au­thor­i­ty ex­plains that an elec­tri­cal prob­lem re­sult­ed in the stop­page of op­er­a­tions at the Point Lisas De­sali­na­tion Plant, at ap­prox­i­mate­ly 2:00 pm, yes­ter­day (Sat­ur­day, Sep­tem­ber 2).

DE­SAL­COTT re­ports that op­er­a­tions have restart­ed par­tial­ly, and it is in the process of ramp­ing up to 50% ca­pac­i­ty of 20 mil­lion gal­lons per day (mgd) overnight.  How­ev­er, fur­ther as­sess­ment and re­pairs will be re­quired to re­turn the fa­cil­i­ty to full pro­duc­tion.

WASA says it con­tin­ues to li­aise with DE­SAL­COTT re­gard­ing the com­ple­tion of these re­pair works and will pro­vide a fur­ther up­date sub­se­quent­ly.

“DE­SAL­COTT nor­mal­ly sup­plies WASA with 40 mgd; as such, the cur­rent re­duced pro­duc­tion will neg­a­tive­ly im­pact the ser­vice and wa­ter sup­ply sched­ules to sev­er­al ar­eas of Cen­tral and South,” WASA states in the re­lease.

“This in­cludes the San Fran­cique area, which was ex­pect­ed to re­ceive a sup­ply from to­mor­row—3rd Sep­tem­ber 2023, in keep­ing with the me­dia re­lease is­sued by the Au­thor­i­ty ear­li­er to­day [Sat­ur­day].”

WASA and DE­SAL­COTT al­so ad­vise that the nor­mal dai­ly or sched­uled sup­ply to the fol­low­ing ar­eas will be af­fect­ed:

Ca­roni, War­renville, Cunu­pia, Ch­agua­nas, Ca­paro, Chase Vil­lage, Cou­va, Point Lisas, Cal­i­for­nia, Clax­ton Bay, Plai­sance Park, Pointe a Pierre, City of San Fer­nan­do, Vista­bel­la, Mara­bel­la, Gas­par­il­lo, South West Union Hall, Pleas­antville, Palmiste, Phillip­ine, Dun­can Vil­lage, Es­per­ance, Gulf View, Bel Air, La Ro­main, South Oropouche, Ota­heite, Rousil­lac, Aripero, parts of La Brea, Av­o­cat, Fyz­abad, parts of Siparia in­clud­ing De Gannes Vil­lage and Quar­ry Vil­lage, San Fran­cique, Debe, Syne Vil­lage, Lowkie Trace, Sun­rees Road, Mo­ra Dam Road.

WASA cus­tomers can ac­cess a lim­it­ed truck borne ser­vice, which is avail­able up­on re­quest through the com­pa­ny’s self-ser­vice op­tions:

●   WASA Ser­vices App avail­able via the Play Store or Ap­ple store; or

●   Cus­tomer Por­tal avail­able on the Au­thor­i­ty’s web­site at

The Au­thor­i­ty notes that cus­tomers re­quir­ing di­rect as­sis­tance or fur­ther in­for­ma­tion can con­tact WASA’s Cus­tomer Call Cen­tre toll free at 800-4420/4426.

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