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Sunday, February 16, 2025

Employees want upgrade to Pleasantville Health Centre


Radhica De Silva
1286 days ago
Pleasantville Health Centre

Pleasantville Health Centre

Ministry of Health



Calls are be­ing made for the Min­istry of Health to up­grade con­di­tions at the Pleas­antville Health Cen­tre.

Be­tween 50 to 60 pa­tients are test­ed on Mon­days at the cen­tre.

How­ev­er, when Guardian Me­dia vis­it­ed the fa­cil­i­ty, staffers were ob­served work­ing un­der de­plorable con­di­tions.

Dur­ing tor­ren­tial rain­fall, staffers had to use buck­ets to catch wa­ter from the leak­ing roof.

Two young doc­tors, who ad­min­is­tered the tests, stood un­der a tent while wa­ter gushed in­side the tent, soak­ing the floor and pre­sent­ing haz­ards to staffers and clients.

Part of the roof was hang­ing loose. There was a tent set up for COVID tests. The main­stream health cen­tre area re­mained hap­haz­ard­ly sep­a­rat­ed from the COVID test­ing zone with sheets of plas­tic.

Staffers were ob­served mov­ing the plas­tic sheets to speak to each oth­er. No wash­room fa­cil­i­ties were avail­able, al­though a wash sta­tion was set up.

A pen­sion­er who came for tests said, “I feel sor­ry for the work­ers here. This is not fair to them. The least they can do is pro­vide a prop­er work­ing space for these peo­ple.”

The test­ing be­gan at 9 am and even though chairs were spaced three feet apart along an un­cov­ered walk­way, there was no shel­ter when the rains be­gan beat­ing in.

Guardian Me­dia sent a mes­sage to Min­is­ter of Health Ter­rence Deyals­ingh on Mon­day, ask­ing whether any­thing will be done to al­le­vi­ate the de­plorable con­di­tions.

How­ev­er, he did not re­spond to ques­tions.

The Pleas­antville Health Cen­tre is one of four test­ing cen­tres in south Trinidad.

Test­ing is al­so done at Princes Town Health Fa­cil­i­ty, Siparia Dis­trict Health fa­cil­i­ty, Ac­ci­dent and Emer­gency De­part­ment of San Fer­nan­do Gen­er­al Hos­pi­tal and Ma­yaro Dis­trict Health fa­cil­i­ty.

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