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Friday, March 28, 2025

Exodus still on top going into the Panorama finals


Kejan Haynes
39 days ago
Republic Bank Exodus Steel Orchestra members perform Aaron "Voice" St Louis' Too Own Way during the National Panorama East Zone preliminaries at their panyard in Tunapuna on Monday. The semi-finals wil be held at the Queen's Park Savannah, Port-of-Spain, on Sunday.

Republic Bank Exodus Steel Orchestra members perform Aaron "Voice" St Louis' Too Own Way during the National Panorama East Zone preliminaries at their panyard in Tunapuna on Monday. The semi-finals wil be held at the Queen's Park Savannah, Port-of-Spain, on Sunday.


Re­pub­lic Bank Ex­o­dus Steel Or­ches­tra main­tained its lead from the pre­lim­i­nar­ies and heads in­to Panora­ma 2025 fi­nals as the top-ranked Steel­band. Ex­o­dus se­cured the high­est score of 277 points with its per­for­mance of Too Own Way.

Fol­low­ing close­ly be­hind is BP Rene­gades Steel Or­ches­tra, which claimed sec­ond place with 276 points for its ren­di­tion of Bet Meh. First Cit­i­zens Su­per­novas Steel Or­ches­tra round­ed out the top three, earn­ing 275.5 points with Co­coa Tea.

Tied in fourth place are Her­itage Pe­tro­le­um Skif­fle Steel Or­ches­tra and Phase II Pan Groove, both scor­ing 273 points with Retro and Pan and So­ca, re­spec­tive­ly. In sixth place, Nu­trien Sil­ver Stars Steel Or­ches­tra de­liv­ered an­oth­er sol­id per­for­mance of Too Own Way, scor­ing 272.5 points.

Massy Trinidad All Stars Steel Or­ches­tra placed sev­enth with 270 points for Bet Meh, while Shell In­vaders Steel Or­ches­tra fol­lowed in eighth with 269.5 points for Bless­ing.

The fi­nal two spots in the top ten went to T&TEC Trop­i­cal An­gel Harps Steel Or­ches­tra, which placed ninth with 268 points for Co­coa Tea, and RBC Re­demp­tion Sound Set­ters Steel Or­ches­tra, al­so with 268 points, per­form­ing Flag Woman.

Des­per­a­does, Pro­man Star­lift, NL­CB Fon­claire, Her­itage Pe­tro­le­um Siparia Del­tones, and NL­CB Buc­ca­neers Steel Or­ches­tra round­ed out the low­er end of the com­peti­tors.


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