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Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Families of Paria divers feel hurt, forgotten, survivor still haunted


1082 days ago



It’s been a month since four LM­CS divers died in­side a 30-inch di­am­e­ter pipeline at Paria Fu­el’s Berth No 6 in Pointe-a-Pierre. How­ev­er, apart from their fam­i­lies ad­mit­ting to still be­ing haunt­ed, un­able to sleep or eat prop­er­ly, they are yet to re­ceive any se­ri­ous sup­port from ei­ther of the com­pa­nies or the state.

Divers Yusuf Hen­ry, Fyzal Kur­ban, Rishi Na­gas­sar and Kaz­im Ali Jr died in the ac­ci­dent on Feb­ru­ary 25. Christo­pher Boodram was the lone sur­vivor.

Speak­ing last night, de­ceased div­er Na­gas­sar’s wife Vanes­sa Kussie said they felt hurt and for­got­ten.

“To­day the pain was hard. It was not a good day for me. My son is tak­ing this hard and cry­ing for his dad­dy. I feel so de­pressed. I was pre­pared to go to the (one-month) vig­il but my son has been cry­ing and I don’t know how we cop­ing,” she said.

She added, “Paria nev­er cared about us a month ago, you think they would care now?”

Kussie and her son, as well as lone sur­vivor Boodram, are rep­re­sent­ed by at­tor­ney Anand Ram­lo­gan.

Mean­while, Michael Kur­ban, the son of de­ceased div­er Fyzal Kur­ban, said not enough had been done to help the fam­i­lies since the tragedy.

The Kur­ban fam­i­ly is be­ing rep­re­sent­ed by at­tor­ney Prakash Ra­mad­har.

On Tues­day, Ra­mad­har re­vealed that he was draft­ing a let­ter to Paria and LM­CS seek­ing fi­nan­cial as­sis­tance for a fam­i­ly mem­ber who had been un­able to ful­fil her ed­u­ca­tion­al ex­pens­es since Fyzal died.

Mean­while, the moth­er of Hen­ry’s young child post­ed a heart-wrench­ing video on Face­book with the child beg­ging for her dad­dy.

The moth­er is heard say­ing, “This is what I have to face every night. My chil­dren beg­ging for their dad­dy to come home.”

Moth­er Nicole Greenidge told Guardian Me­dia re­cent­ly that Boodram’s tes­ti­mo­ny had left them in tears and al­though coun­selling was of­fered, none of them had re­ceived any spe­cialised trau­ma coun­selling to date.

Boodram did an in­ter­view a week af­ter the tragedy re­call­ing how they held hands in an air pock­et and prayed for their res­cue be­fore he de­cid­ed to leave them and swim up the pipeline in the hope that Paria would send in res­cue teams.

His friend Michelle Ho­sein set up a Go­fundme ac­count on March 15 to help Boodram, his wife and three chil­dren. She and Boodram at­tend the New Tes­ta­ment Church of God.

Ho­sein, in a Face­book video, said, “The fact that Christo­pher sur­vived this hor­ri­ble dis­as­ter is a mir­a­cle. He called on Je­sus and prayed while he was in that pipeline. He is a liv­ing tes­ti­mo­ny.”

She added that Boodram’s chil­dren were on­ly now re­al­is­ing that their fa­ther could have died, not­ing they too need­ed coun­selling.

 “It is un­like­ly that Christo­pher will be able to re­turn to div­ing in the near term as he needs ur­gent psy­cho­log­i­cal sup­port. He is un­able to sleep and eat well. He can­not for­get the night­mare. The psy­cho­log­i­cal im­pact is so great that he re­quires ad­di­tion­al psy­cho­log­i­cal as­sis­tance to what he is re­ceiv­ing now,” she ex­plained.

Ho­sein added, “In ad­di­tion to med­ical ex­pens­es and care, Christo­pher has un­known le­gal ex­pens­es.”

She said Boodram is seek­ing in­de­pen­dent, in­ter­na­tion­al­ly-ac­cred­it­ed ex­perts and health and safe­ty pro­fes­sion­als to tes­ti­fy on his be­half.

“This is sep­a­rate from the par­tic­i­pa­tion and stress­es of the Com­mis­sion of En­quiry.

“Since Christo­pher gave his per­son­al ac­count, nu­mer­ous mem­bers of the pub­lic and even peo­ple abroad want to as­sist,” Ho­sein said, ex­plain­ing this is why a Go­fundme ac­count was es­tab­lished.

“It is with fer­vent help and care that com­pas­sion­ate peo­ple now have an op­por­tu­ni­ty to help Christo­pher and Can­dy. We want to sup­port Christo­pher and God will give him the vic­to­ry in Je­sus’ name,” Ho­sein added.

Up to mid­day yes­ter­day, the Go­fundme had on­ly re­ceived $17,611, which rep­re­sent­ed three per cent of the $700,000 need­ed for ex­pens­es.


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