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Thursday, March 13, 2025

Man, 61, charged for Carnival Tuesday murder, woundings


Shane Superville
Venezuelan barber Irvin Joaquin Mayora who was shot in the head and killed on Carnival Tuesday in St James.

Venezuelan barber Irvin Joaquin Mayora who was shot in the head and killed on Carnival Tuesday in St James.

Shane Su­perville

Se­nior Re­porter­

A 61-year-old Ch­agua­nas man has been charged with var­i­ous of­fences, in­clud­ing mur­der and wound­ing, af­ter a shoot­ing in St James on Car­ni­val Tues­day af­ter­noon.

In­ves­ti­ga­tors from the Re­gion I Homi­cide Bu­reau met with the Di­rec­tor of Pub­lic Pros­e­cu­tions (DPP) Roger Gas­pard, SC and re­ceived ad­vice to charge the man, Nicholas Ma­habir alias “Scott” with the mur­der of Venezue­lan bar­ber, Irvin Joaquin May­o­ra, 30, and four counts of shoot­ing with in­tent to com­mit griev­ous bod­i­ly harm.

The sus­pect was al­so charged with the pos­ses­sion of a firearm and am­mu­ni­tion, as he was not the hold­er of a Firearms User’s Li­cense (FUL).

He was ex­pect­ed to ap­pear be­fore a Port-of-Spain mag­is­trate to face the charges.

Po­lice said May­o­ra, 30, and oth­ers were lim­ing near a bar on the cor­ner of Vi­dale Street and the West­ern Main Road, St James, on March 4, when he got in­to an ar­gu­ment with a man.

The man pulled out a Glock pis­tol and shot May­o­ra in the head and in­jured four oth­er peo­ple who were near­by, in­clud­ing a vis­it­ing US cit­i­zen.

The sus­pect was held by po­lice and the gun seized.

When con­tact­ed for com­ment yes­ter­day, one of May­o­ra’s rel­a­tives said his au­top­sy was com­plet­ed on Ash Wednes­day af­ter­noon, but said his body was still in Trinidad as the fam­i­ly was hop­ing to raise $6,000 in cash to have it re­turned to Venezuela for bur­ial.

The rel­a­tive said May­o­ra’s three chil­dren, ages four, sev­en and ten years old were still in Venezuela.

De­spite the grief, the woman said the fam­i­ly sought com­fort in God.

“There were many peo­ple that he (May­o­ra) sup­port­ed, imag­ine his chil­dren there, his moth­er over there in Venezuela and his wife here. Imag­ine what we’re go­ing through with the is­sue of rent, elec­tric­i­ty, food.

“I still give a thou­sand thanks to our God be­cause this every­thing is ac­cord­ing to his will and not ours,” said the rel­a­tive.

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