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Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Family vacates home after triple murder in Penal


691 days ago
A grieving Linda Bajnath, left, comforts her daughter- in-law Parbatee Kumar at their Penal home yesterday, one day after her son Anand Kumar, grandson Kishore and son-in-law Rolly Hosein were killed.

A grieving Linda Bajnath, left, comforts her daughter- in-law Parbatee Kumar at their Penal home yesterday, one day after her son Anand Kumar, grandson Kishore and son-in-law Rolly Hosein were killed.


Fol­low­ing Tues­day’s triple mur­der at a Pe­nal home, the five fe­male rel­a­tives who sur­vived the at­tack have moved out.

Al­though once a home full of joy and love, 64-year-old Lin­da Ba­j­nath said she is ready to leave it per­ma­nent­ly, as it’s now stained with death and filled with empti­ness, sad­ness, pain and fear.

Due to her age and health com­pli­ca­tions, in­clud­ing breast can­cer, Ba­j­nath is in no po­si­tion to se­cure new ac­com­mo­da­tion, which is why she is ap­peal­ing to the Gov­ern­ment to help her.

“I don’t want to live here any­more. I re­al fright­en, me and my daugh­ter are alone and we don’t want to live here any­more. I glad if I get a lil help any­where. I would be so thank­ful and so glad... I re­al­ly need it. If I could get it so fast and all, it would be so good too. If I get some­where to go now I go,” Ba­j­nath said.

While it will be dif­fi­cult to leave her home, Ba­j­nath, a wid­ow, said she has no choice.

With the deaths of her son Anand Ku­mar, 42, grand­son Kishore, 18, and son-in-law Rol­ley Ho­sein, 26, Ba­j­nath, daugh­ter Kim­ber­ly Dean, daugh­ter-in-law Par­ba­tee and two daugh­ters, aged 18 and 20, are now left to fend for them­selves.

Kim­ber­ly was mar­ried to Ho­sein while Par­ba­tee was mar­ried to Ku­mar. They were all asleep up­stairs the house around 4 am when sus­pects wear­ing po­lice tac­ti­cal uni­forms banged on the front door claim­ing to the po­lice and then broke it down. They or­dered on­ly the men out of the house, put them to lie side by side on the ground and then shot them to death.

A month ago, Ba­j­nath’s broth­er-in-law, Nar­ine Singh, was mur­dered on his bed at the same house.

Singh lived down­stairs the house with Ba­j­nath’s sis­ter Mala Ba­j­nath-Singh. His killer stood out­side the house and shot him through his bed­room win­dow. Ba­j­nath’s sis­ter was not in­jured.

How­ev­er, an­oth­er male rel­a­tive was shot and in­jured at the same house in Jan­u­ary. Ba­j­nath-Singh’s nephew, David Ba­j­nath, 38, was on his bed around 10 pm on Jan­u­ary 24, when a gun­man kicked open his door and opened fire at him. He suf­fered a wound to his left up­per bi­cep. David’s moth­er al­so moved out of the house af­ter her hus­band was mur­dered.

Com­ment­ing on Po­lice Com­mis­sion­er Er­la Hare­wood-Christo­pher’s as­sur­ance that all avail­able re­sources will be used to bring them swift jus­tice, Ba­j­nath said, “I want to see jus­tice. I want to see that bad. It not right. I mean to say three of them it not easy.”

The woman and her daugh­ters are now stay­ing at a rel­a­tive’s home.

While in­ves­ti­ga­tors be­lieve the in­ci­dents are linked, they have not yet nar­rowed down a mo­tive.

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