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Friday, February 28, 2025

Father of 3 gunned down in front girlfriend


Ralph Banwarie
644 days ago

A bud­ding singer and fa­ther of three was gunned down while walk­ing along Milk Road, Tu­rure, San­gre Grande, yes­ter­day.

Ker­wyn Coa, 33, of Milk Road, died on the spot af­ter a gun­man shot him sev­er­al times in front of his girl­friend, who es­caped the at­tack un­hurt.

Ac­cord­ing to po­lice re­ports, around 4.30 pm, Coa had just pur­chased KFC and man­goes and was walk­ing along Milk Road with his girl­friend when his at­tack­er jumped out of some bush­es and be­gan fir­ing at him. Coa ran a short dis­tance to avoid the gun­man, who fol­lowed him and con­tin­ued fir­ing. Coa even­tu­al­ly fell on the road­way and died in­stant­ly.

Po­lice of­fi­cers from the San­gre Grande CID, Task Force and Homi­cide of­fi­cers from the Arou­ca Bu­reau Re­gion 2 re­spond­ed.

Rel­a­tives who rushed to the scene cried con­tin­u­ous­ly af­ter get­ting there, some hug­ging and con­sol­ing each oth­er.

Mean­while, vil­lagers who rushed out their hous­es looked on in shock, not­ing they had just seen Coa min­utes be­fore with his girl­friend.

Rel­a­tive Lee Coa said Ken­wyn was a sin­gle par­ent, as he was re­spon­si­ble for tak­ing care of his first child, a boy, from his first re­la­tion­ship, while oth­er the chil­dren lived with their moth­er.

He said Coa was a bud­ding singer and was friends with some of the pop­u­lar lo­cal artistes.

“He was fo­cused on be­com­ing a pro­fes­sion­al singer, that was his goal. He sel­dom limed, as his in­ter­est was on his son,” Lee said.

Ker­wyn’s girl­friend was said to be trau­ma­tised by the in­ci­dent and could not speak.

Asked about his son, Lee said he too was trau­ma­tised and would be tak­en care of by his aunt.

Dis­trict Med­ical Of­fi­cer Dr Ram­per­sad viewed the body and it re­moved to the San­gre Grande Hos­pi­tal mor­tu­ary pend­ing post­mortem at the Foren­sic Sci­ence Cen­tre.

Vis­it­ing the scene was Snr Supt Khan, head of the East­ern Di­vi­sion.

Coa’s killing pushed the toll to 247 for the year.

Homi­cide of­fi­cers from the Arou­ca Bu­reau Re­gion 2 are con­tin­u­ing en­quiries.

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