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Thursday, March 6, 2025

Fire victims appeal for help


1331 days ago
Councillor Wendy Francis (left) speaks with fire victim Kumar Roopnarine on Tuesday July 13th, at Perseverance Village, Chaguanas.  (Image: SHASTRI BOODAN)

Councillor Wendy Francis (left) speaks with fire victim Kumar Roopnarine on Tuesday July 13th, at Perseverance Village, Chaguanas. (Image: SHASTRI BOODAN)



Four fam­i­lies who lost a place to live when a fire gut­ted their apart­ment build­ing are ap­peal­ing for as­sis­tance. 

Spokesman Ku­mar Roop­nar­ine, said around 11 per­sons are af­fect­ed, in­clud­ing 3 chil­dren.

70-year-old Roop­nar­ine told Guardian Me­dia the blaze took place on Sun­day around 5 am.  The fire razed the top floor of the house that was built in 1965 at Per­se­ver­ance Vil­lage, Ch­agua­nas. The dam­age is so ex­ten­sive, Roop­nar­ine said, that the en­tire struc­ture has to be de­mol­ished.

Roop­nar­ine said T&TEC and the elec­tri­cal in­spec­torate vis­it­ed the struc­ture on Mon­day and de­ter­mined that an elec­tri­cal short cir­cuit was the cause of the blaze.

Guardian Me­dia un­der­stands the oc­cu­pants of the build­ing have since sought refuge with their neigh­bours and most of them are part-time work­ers who are with­out enough to eat.

Wendy Fran­cis, the Lo­cal Gov­ern­ment Rep­re­sen­ta­tive on the Ch­agua­nas Bor­ough Cor­po­ra­tion, said food items were pro­vid­ed to the vic­tims. How­ev­er, she said this may on­ly last a cou­ple of weeks, de­pend­ing on how spar­ing­ly the sup­plies are used.

“I vis­it­ed the site on Sun­day, and we brought some re­lief items and mat­tress­es and food items. We are ap­peal­ing to mem­bers of the pub­lic to make some do­na­tions to the vic­tims since many of them earn very lit­tle. We have sent in the rel­e­vant pa­per­work to the Min­istry of So­cial De­vel­op­ment and Fam­i­ly Ser­vices for as­sis­tance,” Fran­cis said, “but this takes such a long time to processed.”

Coun­cil­lor Fran­cis says she can be con­tact­ed at 287-9908 if any­one is will­ing to as­sist the now home­less fam­i­lies, in what­ev­er lit­tle way they can.

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