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Sunday, February 16, 2025

Fishermen collect hampers at Carli Bay


1757 days ago



Sev­er­al out of work fish­er­men and their crew at Car­li Bay and Or­ange Val­ley, Cou­va, re­ceived do­na­tions of food ham­pers on Sun­day morn­ing.

The fish­ing com­mu­ni­ty, like oth­er parts of the coun­try, has been hard hit by the eco­nom­ic im­pact of COVID-19.

Pres­i­dent of the Car­li Bay Fish­er­men As­so­ci­a­tion, Im­ti­az Khan, said the fish­ing com­mu­ni­ty re­lied heav­i­ly on the ex­port of Cut­lass Fish out of the area. He said the fish was sold for around fifty cents US per pound. How­ev­er, since the COVID-19 out­break, the coun­tries that pur­chased the fish are no longer im­port­ing from T&T.

Im­ti­az Khan told Guardian Me­dia that a to­tal 500 ham­pers were spon­sored by the Pro­man Group of Com­pa­nies of Point Lisas. He said 250 of the ham­pers were dis­trib­uted among the fish­er­folk; and the rest went to the most vul­ner­a­ble mem­bers of the com­mu­ni­ty.

Fish­er­man Ram­raj Ram­dass said he was grate­ful for the ham­per:

“I thought no hope was com­ing, but I see the light here.”

Alan “Taxi” Seep­er­sad, lo­cal gov­ern­ment rep­re­sen­ta­tive for the Car­li Bay area on the Cou­va/Tabaquite/Tal­paro Re­gion­al Cor­po­ra­tion, said the ef­fort be­gan with him and the fish­er­men part­ner­ing with the St An­drews Sports and Cul­tur­al Group to get some as­sis­tance.

The lo­cal gov­ern­ment coun­cil­lor said oth­er mem­bers of the busi­ness com­mu­ni­ty joined in with the ef­fort, and he hopes to keep dis­trib­ut­ing more ham­pers as the COVID-19 crises con­tin­ues.

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