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Sunday, February 16, 2025

Fishing body urges safety first at Carli Bay


Shastri Boodan
2127 days ago
Head of the Carli Bay Fishing Association Imitaz Khan, lefts, speak with fishermen at Carli Bay yesterday.

Head of the Carli Bay Fishing Association Imitaz Khan, lefts, speak with fishermen at Carli Bay yesterday.


The Car­li Bay Fish­ing As­so­ci­a­tion is urg­ing in­ex­pe­ri­enced sea­far­ers to take more pre­cau­tions be­fore ven­tur­ing out in­to deep wa­ters.

Im­ti­az Khan, the head of the as­so­ci­a­tion, spoke with Guardian Me­dia on Mon­day in light of last week’s dis­as­ter where two peo­ple drowned and two are still miss­ing af­ter their boat cap­sized. Two oth­ers were able to swim to safe­ty.

On April 14, six men from Beau­car­ro Road, Freeport, went fish­ing and their flat-bot­tomed boat cap­sized and sank.

The bod­ies of Chu­ni­lal Gyan­dass and Ronald Nar­i­nesingh washed ashore the fol­low­ing day, while Ku­mar Lal­la, and Glen “Dave” Pra­ha­l­ad, swam ashore af­ter the in­ci­dent.

Gyan­dass Siew­nar­ine and Vi­nesh Mar­lo re­main miss­ing.

Khan said if there were suf­fi­cient life jack­ets on the boat the four oth­er men would have been alive. Khan said the boat was in­ca­pable of op­er­at­ing in the ocean.

He said such a small boat could safe­ly car­ry two pas­sen­gers in calm wa­ters. Khan said ex­pe­ri­enced fish­er­men and new­com­ers should al­ways en­sure that they each have a life jack­et and some flota­tion de­vice, wire­less ra­dios and cell­phones se­cure­ly packed in wa­ter­proof con­tain­ers. He warned that the ves­sel should not be over­loaded.

Khan ex­tend­ed his sym­pa­thies to the rel­a­tives of the de­ceased and hoped the miss­ing men would be found.

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